
Wave AI Note Taker, Transcription and Summary Tool

Wave: AI-Powered Note-Taking App for Effortless Recording, Transcription, and Summarization


Wave is an innovative AI note-taking app that transforms how you capture and process information. It offers seamless audio recording, intelligent transcription, and AI-generated summaries for meetings, lectures, and conversations. With unlimited recording time, easy organization features, and multiple sharing options, Wave ensures you never miss important details. Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone looking to boost productivity, Wave's cutting-edge technology makes note-taking effortless and more effective than ever before.

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Wave AI Note Taker, Transcription and Summary Tool

Wave AI Note Taker, Transcription and Summary Tool Product Information

Wave: AI Note Taker

What's Wave?

Wave is a revolutionary AI-powered note-taking application designed to transform the way you capture, process, and organize information. This cutting-edge tool combines seamless audio recording capabilities with advanced artificial intelligence to provide users with an unparalleled note-taking experience.

Key Features of Wave

  1. Non-Stop Audio Recording
  2. Phone Call Recording
  3. AI-Generated Intelligent Summaries
  4. Unlimited Recording Time
  5. Accurate Transcription Services
  6. Easy Organization
  7. Multiple Sharing Options
  8. Siri Support

Use Cases for Wave

Wave is versatile and can be used in various scenarios:

  1. Business Meetings: Capture every detail without worrying about missing important points.
  2. Academic Lectures: Record and summarize complex lectures for better understanding and revision.
  3. Interviews: Easily transcribe and analyze interview responses.
  4. Creative Brainstorming: Record your ideas on-the-go and let Wave organize them for you.
  5. Personal Journaling: Keep track of your thoughts and experiences with voice notes.
  6. Medical Appointments: Never forget important medical advice or instructions.

Features in Detail

1. Non-Stop Audio Recording

Wave runs seamlessly in the background, allowing you to focus on the conversation or lecture without worrying about operating the app. This feature ensures that you capture every important detail without interruption.

2. Phone Call Recording

Initiate phone calls through the app to automatically record and transcribe your discussions. This feature is particularly useful for business calls, interviews, or any important conversation you want to revisit later.

3. AI-Generated Intelligent Summaries

One of Wave's standout features is its ability to distill long conversations or lectures into clear, concise summaries. The cutting-edge AI analyzes the content and extracts the most important points, saving you time and effort in reviewing lengthy recordings.

4. Unlimited Recording Time

Unlike many other recording apps, Wave doesn't impose time limits on your recordings. Feel free to record lengthy lectures, extended meetings, or day-long conferences without worrying about running out of recording time.

5. Accurate Transcription Services

Wave's advanced transcription technology converts your audio recordings into easily readable text. This feature is invaluable for creating shareable notes, searching through content, or quickly referencing specific parts of a conversation.

6. Easy Organization

Wave doesn't just record; it helps you organize your thoughts. The app can transform your spoken words into structured lists, action items, and notes, making it easier to manage and act on the information you've captured.

7. Multiple Sharing Options

Share your notes, summaries, or full transcriptions easily with colleagues, classmates, or family members. Wave offers various sharing options including URL sharing, PDF export, and direct sharing via iMessage.

8. Siri Support

Integrate Wave with Siri for hands-free operation. You can set the Action Button to start recording a Wave on the go, making it even more convenient to capture your thoughts or important information at any time.

How to Use Wave

  1. Download and Install: Get Wave from the App Store and install it on your iOS device.

  2. Set Up: Open the app and follow the initial setup instructions. Grant necessary permissions for microphone access and other features.

  3. Start Recording: Tap the record button to start capturing audio. For phone calls, initiate the call through the app.

  4. Let AI Work Its Magic: Once your recording is complete, Wave's AI will automatically generate a transcript and summary.

  5. Review and Edit: Go through the AI-generated content and make any necessary edits or additions.

  6. Organize: Use Wave's organization features to categorize and tag your notes for easy retrieval.

  7. Share: Choose your preferred method to share your notes, summaries, or transcripts with others.


Q: Is my data secure with Wave? A: Wave takes data security seriously. All recordings and transcriptions are encrypted and stored securely. However, always review the latest privacy policy for the most up-to-date information.

Q: Can I use Wave offline? A: You can record offline, but transcription and AI summarization require an internet connection.

Q: How accurate is the transcription? A: Wave uses state-of-the-art transcription technology, but accuracy can vary depending on factors like audio quality and speaker clarity. The app continuously improves its accuracy through machine learning.

Q: Is Wave available for Android? A: Currently, Wave is only available for iOS devices. An Android version may be developed in the future.

Q: Can I edit the AI-generated summaries? A: Yes, Wave allows you to edit both transcriptions and summaries to ensure accuracy and add your own insights.


Wave is more than just a note-taking app; it's an AI-powered assistant that helps you capture, understand, and organize information more effectively than ever before. Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone looking to enhance their productivity and information management, Wave offers a comprehensive solution that adapts to your needs. With its combination of unlimited recording, intelligent summarization, and easy sharing options, Wave is set to revolutionize the way we take and use notes in our daily lives.

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