
Logo Rank

Logo Rank - Check your logo design with AI


Logo Rank is an AI-powered tool that evaluates your logo design based on uniqueness, legibility, color/contrast, and overall effectiveness. Ideal for designers and businesses aiming to enhance their brand identity.

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Logo Rank

Logo Rank Product Information

Logo Rank - Check your logo design with AI

What's Logo Rank

Logo Rank is an innovative tool that leverages AI to evaluate your logo design. It assesses the uniqueness, legibility, color/contrast, and overall effectiveness of your logo, providing valuable insights to help improve your brand identity.



This metric is based on the similarity of the logo to our library of 1M+ icons. The ideal logo design is visually unique, easily distinguished from stock images and other common shapes.


A strong, bold silhouette is the hallmark of a great logo. It ensures that the logo can be recognized at low resolutions, from afar, and on mobile devices.


Color and contrast can help draw attention to your brand. Although color is very subjective, color psychology is one of the most effective ways to establish brand positioning. We recommend that every logo have at least some color component.


Ultimately, these are simple rules of thumb. There are many well-designed brands that don't adhere to these standards. Knowing when to depart from the norm comes down to human judgment, which is still beyond current AI.

Use Case

Logo Rank is ideal for designers and businesses aiming to enhance their brand identity. By analyzing key aspects of your logo, it provides actionable insights that can help refine your design, making it more unique, legible, and visually appealing.


How does Logo Rank determine uniqueness?

Logo Rank compares your logo to a vast library of over 1 million icons to assess its uniqueness.

Why is legibility important in logo design?

Legibility ensures that your logo is recognizable at various sizes and on different devices, which is crucial for brand recognition.

How does color and contrast impact my logo?

Color and contrast can significantly influence brand positioning and visibility. Proper use of these elements can make your logo stand out.

Can AI replace human judgment in logo design?

While AI provides useful guidelines, human judgment is still essential in logo design to know when to creatively break the rules.


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