

Abstra | Scale business processes with Python + AI


Abstra leverages Python and AI to scale business processes. It offers seamless integration, dynamic forms, and automated workflows for efficient operations across various industries.

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Abstra | Scale business processes with Python + AI

What's Abstra

Abstra is a platform designed to scale business processes using Python and AI. It goes beyond basic task automation to manage entire workflows with full transparency, providing the power of code without the overhead.


Python-based, AI-powered Workflows

  • Production-ready: Achieve production readiness in a fraction of the time.
  • AI-powered coding: Enhance coding efficiency with AI features.
  • Lock-in free: Freedom from vendor lock-in.
  • Fully auditable: Ensure transparency with complete auditability.

Smart Forms

Create dynamic forms with custom logic and advanced integrations. Features include:

  • Sleek, modern, and responsive UI
  • Ideal for sequential processes


Automate tasks based on schedules with time-based triggers.


Trigger automations based on events or requests.

Deploy & Host

  • 1-click deploy: Share workflows and UIs instantly.
  • Scalable hosting: Transparent and scalable hosting solutions.
  • Backend-driven architecture: Integrate seamlessly with backend systems.
  • Git integration: Sync with Git for version control.

Access Control

Secure user authentication with SSO or SAML and manage permissions with granular control.

Auditable Logging

Track and export logs for compliance and auditing purposes.

On-prem Hosting

Deploy on-premise to keep data within your network while using Abstra's tools.


Easily integrate with databases, internal APIs, or external services. Custom add-ons are available to suit specific processes.

Native Database Integration

Create and manage PostgreSQL tables visually within Abstra, allowing for safe and easy data integration.

Use Case

Abstra is ideal for businesses looking to streamline operations across various departments such as credit analysis, finance, account onboarding, and revenue operations. It provides solutions for back-office automation, customer support, sales operations, and more.


How do I get started with Abstra?

Visit the Abstra website and schedule a demo or sign up to get started.

What kind of support does Abstra offer?

Abstra provides extensive documentation, examples, tutorials, and customer stories to help users get the most out of the platform.

Can Abstra integrate with my existing systems?

Yes, Abstra's Connectors allow for seamless integration with various databases, internal APIs, and external services.

Is Abstra suitable for large enterprises?

Absolutely, Abstra is trusted by smart teams at enterprises across industries, offering robust solutions to scale business processes efficiently.

How to Use

  1. Create Workflows: Use drag-and-drop components to create functionalities.
  2. Bind to Python Code: Integrate widgets with Python scripts using variables and functions.
  3. Customize UI: Add your brand's logo, background, font, and colors.
  4. Deploy to Cloud: Share your app with a custom subdomain and connect multiple apps.

For more information, visit the Abstra website.

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