

Business Finance Simplified


FlowCog provides financial projections to help businesses raise money and make better decisions. It eliminates the need for complex spreadsheets by offering an intuitive interface that syncs with accounting software. With beautiful visualizations and AI-driven analysis, FlowCog answers key financial questions and helps with growth planning.

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FlowCog Product Information


Business finance simplified

Visualize your finances and future growth to make better decisions and gain confidence with investors.

Quick insight for busy owners

Answer what-if questions like:

  • When do we break even?
  • How much cash runway do we have left?
  • What happens if we add a second location?

Instant setup

Get started now - no sales calls or month-long implementation.


A simple canvas - say goodbye to messy spreadsheets!


Beautiful charts for your board, pitch calls, and investor updates.

AI crunches the numbers for you

Auto-sync accounting

1 click syncs with QuickBooks, Xero, and Puzzle.

What-if scenario analysis

Create and compare scenarios easily.

You're in good company

Frequently asked questions

What is this and how does it work?

FlowCog gives you financial projections to help you raise money and make better business decisions.

How is this different from an Excel template?

Spreadsheets are a huge time sink to build and maintain. Most have formula errors and hardcoded, stale numbers. With FlowCog, you don’t need to be a spreadsheet expert. It handles the math for you and keeps your data up to date.

But my data is a mess!

Bring it on, we’ve seen it all. FlowCog takes your QuickBooks, Xero, or Puzzle data and automatically maps it to your canvas blocks. And you can always change the mapping later. FlowCog uses this data for projections, but you can (and should) adjust those values too. If you don’t use QuickBooks, Xero, or Puzzle, or have a more advanced use case, just contact us!

But I already use Baremetrics / SaaSOptics / etc

FlowCog doesn’t just analyze the past. We take growth assumptions and generate the pro-forma that investors and boards require. These other tools don’t have the data to do this for you properly.

Are we too small for FlowCog?

No! Even pre-revenue companies can use our Free plan to help with fundraising and get a quick glance at growth trajectory (you can upgrade to paid plans as you grow).

How does FlowCog handle our sensitive data?

FlowCog can see the data you enter, but doesn’t store any personally identifiable information from you, your employees, or customers on our servers. We don’t disclose your data to any 3rd parties (except as explained by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use).

Questions? Not convinced?

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