Fina Money: Custom Financial Management Solution


Fina Money is a customizable financial tracking system that helps users manage their finances with live data integration from over 12,000 institutions. It offers personalized metrics, flexible budgeting, multi-profile segmentation, and robust security, making it the ideal tool for individuals and businesses looking to achieve financial clarity and peace of mind.

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Fina Product Information

Fina Money

What's Fina Money

Fina Money is a revolutionary financial management solution designed for those who care about their financial future. It allows users to create custom financial tracking systems, eliminating the need for cookie-cutter apps and manual spreadsheets.


Build Your Own Tracking System

Create custom financial management solutions. Say goodbye to cookie cutter apps and manual spreadsheets. Enjoy financial clarity forever with Fina Money.


We never see or store ANY financial account credentials. Fina uses third-party data service providers like Plaid to connect to financial institutions with bank-grade security, maintaining read-only access and using AES-256 and TLS to keep personal information safe.

Unlimited Custom Categories

Create as many categories as you need, complete with emojis for added flair.

Track Personalized Metrics

Use Fina to track custom-built metrics that no other app can handle. Re-arrange your numbers in meaningful ways to your situation.

Flexible Budgeting & Scenario Planning

Create budgets or forecasts that match your lifestyle. Supports all kinds of unique budgeting scenarios, from simple budgets to zero-based, rollovers, and more.

Multi-Profile Segmentation

Group financial accounts into profiles for separate accounting under one roof. Perfect for splitting business accounts or tracking family finances together.

Doc-style Pages & Blocks

Create fully custom pages and add any financial tracking scenario or 'block' to that page, allowing for unique expressions of what's important to you.

Create & Share Templates

Share financial methodologies through templates. Import any template and see it populated with your live data in one click.

Robust Financial Connections

We use Plaid to connect to financial institutions, supporting bank, loan, and investment accounts. Live in the US and Canada.

Rules & Automations

Set rules for auto-categorizing transactions into desired buckets for accurate tracking forever.

Ask Fina AI

Type the '/' command and ask our AI questions about your finances. Use pre-built tracking scenarios to get started.

Use Case

Think your financial scenario is unique? Fina can be tailored for all use cases. From personal budgeting to complex financial planning, Fina is the fastest, most flexible way to track your finances.


Does Fina store my banking account credentials?

No, Fina never stores your financial account credentials.

How many bank accounts are supported?

Fina supports over 12,000 financial institutions. Check if your bank is supported on our platform.

Is my data safe?

Yes, Fina uses advanced encryption and never accesses your information without permission.

Why are some financial tracking tools free?

Other tools may sell your data. Fina is funded by your subscriptions and support, ensuring your data privacy.

How can I contribute to the community?

Share your financial tracking templates and methodologies to help others manage their money.



$5/mo billed yearly. 5 live financial institutions.


$9.6/mo billed yearly. Unlimited financial institutions.

7-day free trial for all plans. Fina is free forever for users importing manual data.


"Tracking my money helped me go from $260,000 debt to millionaire in 10 years. Fina is my new favorite financial tool." - Cori Arnold @iamcoriarnold

"It's not about what you make, it's about what you keep. I've been loving Fina so far." - Dividend Hero @HeroDividend

"An AI financial advisor. Fina enables people to manage their money & get proactive insights." - Rowan Cheung @rowancheung

"I was a Mint user, fell off, and went back to spreadsheets. I've been using Fina over a year now and I LOVE how intuitive it is." - Nick Pendergraft @NPendergraft

"I just started using Fina and it's amazing! I've been wanting to create a budget and this is the perfect tool for it."

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