
Smarty Names

AI-Powered Domain and Business Name Search


Smartynames provides entrepreneurs with an instant business name generator. Using AI, it delivers unique names with available domains, saving time and money. This tool analyzes preferred domain names and suggests cost-effective, creative alternatives in seconds.

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Smarty Names

Smarty Names Product Information

Instant Business Name Generator For Entrepreneurs

What's Domain and Business Name Search with AI

Describe your dream company and get a name with an available domain right away. Smartynames is an AI-powered tool designed for entrepreneurs who need to generate business names quickly and efficiently. By simply describing your desired company, this tool provides instant results, offering unique and available domain names. No contests, no wait—just instant results that wow.


AI-Driven Suggestions

The AI chatbot comes up with interesting and creative alternatives for business names, ensuring that you get the best possible options.

Instant Results

Smartynames delivers instant results, allowing you to find the perfect business name and domain without any delay.

Cost-Effective Solutions

By analyzing your preferred domain names, Smartynames generates cost-effective alternatives, saving you a significant amount of money.

Use Case

Entrepreneurs looking to establish a new business can benefit greatly from Smartynames. Whether you have a specific idea in mind or need inspiration, this tool helps you find a suitable business name with an available domain quickly and efficiently.


Why Are Domain Names So Expensive?

The high prices of domain names are largely due to domain investors needing to cover losses from the majority of their portfolio by selling a small percentage at a premium. This necessitates a large portfolio and higher sale prices to turn a substantial profit.

How Does Smartynames Save Money?

Smartynames Reverse Name Search generates creative domain names by analyzing your preferred names, providing cost-effective alternatives in just a few seconds. This can save a significant amount of money compared to buying premium domains.

Are Most Domains Unused?

Yes, about half of all .COM domains are unused, and around 72-96% of alternative TLDs are also largely unused. Domain squatters spend 2 billion dollars a year on hoarding, especially for .COMs.

How to Use

  1. Describe Your Company: Enter a description of your dream company into the Smartynames tool.
  2. Get Instant Results: Receive instant suggestions for business names with available domains.
  3. Choose Your Favorite: Select the name that best fits your vision and secure the domain immediately.
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