Your Instrument to MIDI, Sheet Music, and Tabs
Frettable turns your instrument recordings into MIDI, sheet music, and tabs using advanced AI. Record and upload audio, and get instant transcriptions to enhance your music creation process.
Frettable Product Information
Your Instrument to MIDI, Sheet Music, and Tabs
What's Frettable?
Frettable is an innovative tool that transforms your instrument recordings into MIDI files, sheet music, and tabs. Designed for musicians of all levels, Frettable's advanced AI writes your music like the pros. Play your instrument anytime, anywhere, and our expert AI will write the MIDI and sheet music for you.
MIDI Instrument
Your instrument becomes a MIDI instrument without additional hardware. Simply upload your instrument recording to Frettable's AI and get the MIDI file to import into your digital audio workstation (DAW) for music creation and synthesis.
Sheet Music
Play your instrument and let Frettable's AI instantly generate sheet music for you. Save, print, and share the sheet music. Frettable handles both notes and chords, making it polyphonic. Tabs are also generated for guitar and other stringed instruments.
Share and Collaborate
Your audio, MIDI, and sheet music are stored securely on the cloud and synced across all your devices. Keep your music private or share and collaborate remotely with band members.
Record Audio
Upload an instrument audio recording to Frettable's website or record live using the app. Record as many takes as needed.
Continue Creating
Once your music is digitized, upload the MIDI to your DAW to continue creating. Move notes around, add a backing track, or synthesize your recording as a different instrument.
View and Share
View the beautifully generated sheet music and tabs on all your devices. Share your music with friends, family, bandmates, and an active community of musicians and producers.
Use Case
Frettable is perfect for musicians who want to digitize their music easily. Whether you're a solo artist or part of a band, Frettable makes it simple to create and share professional-quality music transcriptions. Record your ideas on the go or in the studio, and collaborate with others seamlessly.
How do I use Frettable?
- Record your instrument audio.
- Upload the recording to Frettable's website or app.
- Get the MIDI, sheet music, and tabs generated by Frettable's AI.
- Import the MIDI to your DAW for further creation.
- View and share your music.
What instruments are supported?
Frettable supports a wide range of instruments, including guitars and other stringed instruments. The AI is designed to handle both notes and chords.
Can I collaborate with others?
Yes, you can share your music with others and collaborate remotely. Your files are stored securely on the cloud and synced across all your devices.
What are the available plans?
Frettable offers different plans to suit musicians on the go and those in the studio. Plans vary in recording time, cloud storage, and features like file uploads and editing sheet music.
Contact Us
Have a question about Frettable? Send us a message on our website.