Sélection quotidienne ProductHunt pour 2025-02-26

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OpenArt Consistent Characters

Craft your characters and stories with ease

OpenArt Consistent Characters

OpenArt Characters lets you create images of consistent characters from just one image or description. Pose, place, and combine them in any scene for infinite storytelling possibilities.

Vote: 1143

Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-02-26

1. OpenArt Consistent Characters

Tagline: Craft your characters and stories with ease Introduction: OpenArt Characters lets you create images of consistent characters from just one image or description. Pose, place, and combine them in any scene for infinite storytelling possibilities. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
OpenArt Consistent Characters
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺1143 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

2. Basalt

Tagline: Integrate AI in your product in seconds Introduction: Basalt is the platform to build and operate AI features : Craft high-quality prompts with our AI-powered Copilot, test and evaluate LLM outputs, deploy seamlessly with our SDK, monitor and refine performance in real conditions—all in a collaborative workflow. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Basalte, plateforme AI, intégration AI, fonctionnalités AI, prompts de haute qualité, Copilot alimenté par AI, tester et évaluer, sorties LLM, déploiement facile, SDK, surveillance de performance, affiner performance, conditions Votes: 🔺1139 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

3. Pinch

Tagline: Traduction vocale immersive en temps réel pour les visioconférences. Introduction: Pinch is a virtual conferencing platform designed for cross-lingual communication. Real-time voice translation allows you to appear as a native speaker of over 30 languages. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Pinch, traduction vocale en temps réel, plateforme de visioconférence, communication multilingue, traduction instantanée, conférence virtuelle, plus de 30 langues, immersion linguistique, communication interculturelle, outils de collaboration Votes: 🔺553 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

4. Saywise

Tagline: AMA community for career wisdom and advice Introduction: Saywise connects career advice seekers with experienced professionals through live video AMAs. After each AMA session, AI automatically generates bite-sized Q&As, building nuggets of wisdom. Get inspired, build new connections, and ask your questions! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Saywise, communauté AMA, conseils de carrière, conseils professionnels, vidéo en direct, sessions AMA, génération de Q&A, sagesse, inspiration, nouvelles connexions, poser des questions, développement professionnel, mentorat, réseau professionnel, apprentissage. Votes: 🔺529 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

5. Forage Mail

Tagline: Une IA qui résout le débordement d'e-mails. Pas une autre application de messagerie. Introduction: Forage filters low-priority emails from your Gmail. It sends you a clean, daily summary of the emails it filtered out, including a TLDR for every newsletter. It learns your preferences and gives you full control with custom rules. Works with any email app. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Forage Mail
Keywords: Forage Mail, IA, gestion des emails, filtre des emails, résumé quotidien, newsletters, préférences personnalisées, contrôle total, règles personnalisées, application de messagerie, productivité, réduction du stress, efficacité, tri des emails, simpl Votes: 🔺359 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

6. Steve by Wonder Family

Tagline: Une IA qui peut créer une entreprise de commerce en ligne pour vous. Introduction: We built the first AI that created a REAL eCommerce business and made $500K 🤯 Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Steve by Wonder Family
Keywords: Steve by Wonder Family, intelligence artificielle, eCommerce, création d'entreprise, business en ligne, gains, 500K, technologie, innovation, vente en ligne, automatisation, réussite financière Votes: 🔺301 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

7. Mochii

Tagline: All-in-One AI Assistant Introduction: Enhance your browsing experience with Mochii, the intelligent AI assistant that helps you navigate, understand, and interact with web content more efficiently. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Mochii, assistant AI, navigation web, expérience de navigation, contenu web, interaction, efficacité, outil intelligent, aide à la navigation, compréhension web Votes: 🔺237 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

8. Gemini Code Assist

Tagline: Code faster and smarter for free Introduction: Gemini Code Assist for Individuals provides free, AI-powered coding assistance with a large context window, directly in your VS Code or JetBrains IDE. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Gemini Code Assist
Keywords: Gemini Code Assist, assistance à la programmation, IA, codage gratuit, amélioration de la productivité, VS Code, JetBrains IDE, fenêtres de contexte, outils de développement, programmation intelligente, aide au code Votes: 🔺218 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

9. Tolan

Tagline: Your alien best friend Introduction: Tolans are friendly, chatty aliens. Talk with them about anything: from studying, to cooking, to relationships. The more you talk with your Tolan, the better they get to know you. Watch their planet bloom as your friendship grows. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Tolan, ami extraterrestre, amis, aliens amicaux, conversation, apprentissage, cuisine, relations, amitié, planète, croissance personnelle, interaction, communication, divertissement, compagnon, chatty aliens Votes: 🔺210 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

10. Monocle

Tagline: A sleek, modern take on window dimming for macOS Introduction: Monocle is a sleek, minimalist app that removes distractions by blurring everything but your active window, giving you the focus you need. No window juggling—just the task at hand, with everything else calmly waiting. It’s like noise-canceling for your screen. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Monocle, application macOS, réduction de distractions, flou d'écran, productivité, minimalisme, concentration, gestion des fenêtres, interface moderne, travail sans distraction, amélioration de la concentration, outil de focus, écran apaisant Votes: 🔺193 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

11. Pave Robotics

Tagline: Robots that repair roads Introduction: Pave Robotics builds robots that seal cracks in asphalt, helping paving companies and local governments save time and money. Our robots work 24/7 and deliver higher-quality results than humans. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Pave Robotics
Keywords: robots de réparation, Pave Robotics, robots asphaltiques, réparation de routes, scellage de fissures, entreprises de pavage, gouvernements locaux, efficacité, résultats de qualité supérieure, fonctionnement 24/7, économie de temps et Votes: 🔺177 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

12. Poe Apps

Tagline: Create and use custom AI-powered apps with 100+ models Introduction: Introducing Poe Apps–easily create AI-powered visual interfaces with 100+ models! No coding needed. Use it for workflows, games, quizzes, multimedia, and more. Poe App Creator auto-generates apps from a prompt. Try it now on web & desktop! (iOS & Android soon) Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Poe Apps
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺168 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

13. Anvil

Tagline: Draft brand new documents to use over API Introduction: Anvil Document Editor is a Google Docs like editor for creating document templates with variables and dynamic clauses, perfect for legal agreements and contracts. Variables and clauses can be triggered over API for easy integration into your application. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺160 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

14. FlaiChat

Tagline: Chat where language barriers don't exist Introduction: Imagine if language barriers didn't exist. FlaiChat makes that happen with zero setup required! Seamless translations make convos flow. FOR FREE! 🔈 We're excited to announce Voice Translations, where people hear your actual voice speak their language. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺155 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

15. Xtreeks

Tagline: Track habits with a tweet Introduction: Xtreeks is the easiest way for X (Twitter) users to maintain existing habits and create new ones: Track habits with a tweet! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺136 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

16. Numok

Tagline: Open source affiliate platform Introduction: Numok is an open-source affiliate program platform that integrates seamlessly with Stripe to track payments and commissions. ⚡ Launch your affiliate program in minutes—self-host it or use our cloud version. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺133 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

17. PowerAgentsAI

Tagline: Build and deploy powerful web browsing AI agents Introduction: PowerAgents lets you build and deploy AI agents that click, type, and extract data from any website. Schedule agent to run hourly, daily, or weekly. Watch them work in real time. Save time by using ready-made agents built for popular websites by community. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺132 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

18. Co-Present

Tagline: Seamless remote co-presenting for Google Slides Introduction: Advance Google Slides remotely without saying "next slide, please." This extension lets co-presenters control slides smoothly with a shared link—no install needed. Perfect for investor pitches and Town Hall meetings. Supports up to 10 users. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺127 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

19. Cliprun

Tagline: Run Python code from any website with a right-click Introduction: Cliprun lets you easily run Python online. Execute Python snippets from any website with a right-click, analyze data, and create automated scripts - all from your browser. Run Python code from ChatGPT, Claude, DeepSeek, GitHub, or any other site. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺122 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

20. Project Starlight From Topaz Labs

Tagline: The first diffusion-based video enhancement model Introduction: Project Starlight uses diffusion technology for the clearest AI video enhancement to date. It upscales, enhances, denoises, de-aliases, and sharpens video—without any sliders or manual adjustments. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Project Starlight From Topaz Labs
Keywords: Project Starlight, Topaz Labs, amélioration vidéo, technologie de diffusion, IA, mise à l'échelle, amélioration, réduction de bruit, désaliassage, netteté, sans réglages manuels, modèle d'amélioration vidéo Votes: 🔺105 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

21. garnix modules

Tagline: Fast, reliable, easy and affordable CI/CD Introduction: CI and hosting for your software projects, reimagined. Though the interface is familiar and simple, we use a novel and powerful infrastructure based on nix so you get fast CI with great caching, development environments, and easy server hosting. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
garnix modules
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺102 Featured: Oui Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

22. Lemur Browser (Kiwi Alternative)

Tagline: Lemur Browser —Kiwi Alternative, Extension Supported Introduction: Lemur Browser is a mobile browser available for Android systems. It supports Google Chrome extensions and Microsoft Edge extensions. Additionally, it supports Tampermonkey scripts. Lemur Browser is the perfect alternative browser to Kiwi Browser. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Lemur Browser (Kiwi Alternative)
Keywords: Lemur Browser, alternative Kiwi, navigateur mobile, Android, extensions Google Chrome, extensions Microsoft Edge, scripts Tampermonkey, navigateur alternatif, navigateur performant, support d'extensions. Votes: 🔺63 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z


Tagline: Your AI-Powered SEO expert, on demand Introduction: SEOCHATBOT is an AI-powered SEO tool that brings expert SEO advice to you without breaking the bank. With its easy-to-use interface and a chatbot that acts as your personal SEO expert, you can now talk to your SEO data and get instant insights. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: SEO, chatbot, outils SEO, intelligence artificielle, expert SEO, conseils SEO, interface conviviale, données SEO, analyses instantanées, optimisation des moteurs de recherche, assistance SEO, technologie AI, outil d'optimisation, conseils personnalisés Votes: 🔺62 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

24. Fyrefly.app

Tagline: Organize your growth hacks and marketing experiments. Introduction: Our mission at Fyrefly.app is to deliver a cutting-edge marketing and growth management tool that simplifies tedious experimentation planning, fosters collaboration, and enhances marketing campaign effectiveness. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺56 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

25. Infuzu API

Tagline: One API to access all major LLMs. Powered by IMS. Introduction: Powered by our Intelligent Model Selection algorithm, the Infuzu API allows your projects to plug in to each major AI model and automatically selects the best answer from among them. Empower your users by offering them the most intelligent AI on the internet. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Infuzu API
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺53 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

26. Logs Explorer Template by Tinybird

Tagline: Deploy a Datadog alternative for your app in minutes Introduction: Got logs? Your users want to see them. Here's an open source template to give your users an observability experience like they get with Datadog, Vercel, Cloudflare, or Supabase. Built to handle billions of logs in real time without breaking a sweat. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Logs Explorer Template by Tinybird
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺50 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

27. Live Website Testing by Lyssna

Tagline: Boost conversions and improve UX with Live Website Testing Introduction: Live Website Testing from Lyssna lets you observe users interact with live websites. Capture screen, audio and video, set tasks, follow-up questions, and gain insights to uncover usability issues, improve UX, boost conversions and conduct competitive research. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Live Website Testing by Lyssna
Keywords: test en direct, Lyssna, conversion, expérience utilisateur, capture d'écran, audio, vidéo, tâches, questions de suivi, problèmes d'utilisabilité, recherche concurrentielle, améliorer UX, augmenter les conversions Votes: 🔺47 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

28. StopSocial

Tagline: Quit social media & take back control Introduction: StopSocial helps you break free from social media addiction with guided tools, instant support, and progress tracking. Regain your focus and take control of your time. Start today! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺43 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

29. Hyperscreen AI

Tagline: Mock technical interviews cheaper than a human, using AI Introduction: Hyperscreen is an AI that does mock technical interviews with you so you can pass more tech screens. You can choose a problem category, company, difficulty level, and length (up to 60 minutes), and get detailed feedback after each interview. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Hyperscreen AI
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺37 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z

30. TryMania

Tagline: Hire ready-to-join developers in 7 days Introduction: TryMania helps you hire ready-to-join developers in just 7 days! 🚀 Get instant access to the top 1% of developers with zero notice period and a 99.99% joining rate. Our 50K+ verified candidates, 1K+ active professionals, and 37K+ LinkedIn followers. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺33 Featured: Non Publish Time: 2025-02-26T08:01:00Z