

Function: Comprehensive Rate Limiting Solution


Function is an advanced tool designed to manage and enforce IP rate limits, ensuring optimal performance and security by preventing excessive requests.

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What's Function

Function is an advanced rate limiting solution designed to manage and enforce IP rate limits effectively. By controlling the number of requests per IP address, Function ensures that systems remain secure and perform optimally without being overwhelmed by excessive traffic.


Rate Limiting

Function enforces IP rate limits, managing the number of requests made by a single IP address over a specified period. This helps in mitigating potential abuse and maintaining system integrity.

Performance Optimization

By preventing excessive requests from overwhelming the system, Function ensures that resources are used efficiently, maintaining high performance levels.

Security Enhancement

Function contributes to overall system security by detecting and controlling abnormal request patterns, reducing the risk of denial-of-service attacks.

Use Case

Function is ideal for any online service or platform that requires managing traffic to maintain performance and security. It's particularly useful for websites, APIs, and online applications that experience variable traffic loads and need to protect against abuse or excessive usage.


What happens if the rate limit is exceeded?

When the rate limit is exceeded, Function triggers a RateLimitTriggeredError (code 42903) and prevents further requests from that IP address until the limit resets.

How does Function determine the rate limit?

The rate limit is configured based on the needs of the specific application or service. Function can be customized to enforce different limits for different endpoints or services.

Can Function handle different IPs differently?

Yes, Function can be configured to apply different rate limits based on various criteria, including the type of user, location, or specific IP ranges.

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