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Bereite Daten in Sekundenschnelle für RAG vor.


We transform messy content from websites, documents, PDFs, blogs, podcasts, etc. into perfectly organized datasets. Our smart processing helps AI companies build better products by giving them clean, structured data without requiring data processing expertise.

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Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-03-21

1. Supametas.AI

Tagline: Bereite Daten in Sekundenschnelle für RAG vor. Introduction: We transform messy content from websites, documents, PDFs, blogs, podcasts, etc. into perfectly organized datasets. Our smart processing helps AI companies build better products by giving them clean, structured data without requiring data processing expertise. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Supametas.AI, Datenaufbereitung, RAG-ready, Datenorganisation, KI-Unternehmen, strukturierte Daten, saubere Daten, Webinhalte, Dokumente, PDFs, Blogs, Podcasts, Datenverarbeitung, intelligente Verarbeitung, Produkt Votes: 🔺535 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

2. Second.Me by

Tagline: Das erste Netzwerk von KI-Systemen (Open Source) Introduction: Train and self-host your own AI while ensuring privacy protection. This AI will reflect your thoughts and preferences and even forms a new AI network. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Second.Me by
Keywords: Second.Me,, KI-Netzwerk, Open Source, KI trainieren, selbst gehostete KI, Datenschutz, persönliche KI, Gedanken reflektieren, Präferenzen, neue KI-Netzwerk, KI-Entwicklung Votes: 🔺471 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

3. OpenAI GPT-4o Audio Models

Tagline: Erstelle leistungsstarke Sprachassistenten. Introduction: New OpenAI audio models for developers: gpt-4o powered speech-to-text (more accurate than Whisper) and steerable text-to-speech. Build voice agents, transcriptions, and more. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
OpenAI GPT-4o Audio Models
Keywords: OpenAI, GPT-4o, Audio-Modelle, Sprachagenten, Sprach-zu-Text, Text-zu-Sprache, Entwickler, Transkriptionen, Sprachverarbeitung, KI-Modelle, Genauigkeit, Steu Votes: 🔺385 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

4. Tails & Frames

Tagline: Verwandle deine Haustieraufnahmen in teilbare Clips und Memes! Introduction: Tails & Frames is an application that transform any pet moment into viral magic. It turns your phone pics, camera clips, or even chaotic pet videos into share-worthy memes & artworks. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Tails & Frames
Keywords: Tails & Frames, Haustieraufnahmen, teilbare Clips, Memes, App, virale Momente, Fotos, Videos, Kunstwerke, Haustiervideos, lustige Videos, soziale Medien, Tierliebhaber, kreative Bearbeitung, Votes: 🔺335 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

5. AI Tools Directory - by Whalesync

Tagline: Entdecke die neuesten KI-gestützten Apps (über 1.000 und es werden immer mehr)! Introduction: AI Tools Directory is... well basically what the title says :) We've collected >1,000 of the latest AI tools so you can stay up-to-date. Find the AI tool you need using search, filter by role (e.g. "Engineering"), or filter by tag (e.g. "Vector Database"). Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AI Tools Directory - by Whalesync
Keywords: AI-Tools-Verzeichnis, KI-unterstützte Apps, über 1000 Tools, neueste AI-Werkzeuge, Tools suchen, Rollenfilter, Tag-Filter, Ingenieurwesen, Vektor-Datenbank, Whalesync, Votes: 🔺327 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

6. Strella Insights 2.0

Tagline: Intelligente Suche, schnellere Erkenntnisse, sofort teilbare Clips. Introduction: Introducing Strella Insights 2.0 - instant shareable clips from interview sessions, quantified analysis, and a new explorer feature, where you can chat with your entire research repository and create instant, shareable highlight reels. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Strella Insights 2.0
Keywords: Strella Insights 2.0, intelligente Suche, schnellere Einsichten, sofort teilbare Clips, Interview-Sitzungen, quantifizierte Analyse, Explorer-Funktion, Forschungsrepository, sofortige Highlight-Reels, Chat-Funktion Votes: 🔺231 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z


Tagline: Verwandle große Datenmengen schnell in wichtige Entscheidungen. Introduction: Analyze thousands of files - docs, images, videos, and more. Use advanced agentic analysis to surpass basic AI tools, save time, cut chaos, and boost team productivity effortlessly. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords:, Datenanalyse, große Datenmengen, Entscheidungshilfe, schnelle Analyse, Dokumente, Bilder, Videos, fortschrittliche Analyse, KI-Tools, Zeit sparen, Produktivität steigern, Teamarbeit, Chaos reduzieren Votes: 🔺102 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

8. cloudsquid

Tagline: Sofortige Datenextraktion aus beliebigen Dateien mit KI Introduction: Cloudsquid solves document data workflows end to end with AI Agents. Upload any file, explain what data you need, let AI do the rest. This is your superhuman Data Engineer. No code required ✨ Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Cloudsquid, Datenextraktion, KI, Dokumenten-Workflow, AI-Agenten, Dateiupload, Datenanforderung, No-Code, Dateningenieur, sofortige Datenverarbeitung, intelligente Datenlösungen, automatisierte Datenextr Votes: 🔺73 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

9. Street View Social

Tagline: Eine Plattform, um die Menschen zu finden und mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, mit denen du aufgewachsen bist. Introduction: Reconnect with childhood friends, share memories of your old neighborhood, and discover the rich history of places that shaped your life. Every address becomes a digital guestbook waiting to be filled with stories, memories, and connections. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Street View Social
Keywords: Street View Social, Plattform, Freunde finden, Kindheitsfreunde, Erinnerungen teilen, Nachbarschaft, digitale Gästebuch, Geschichten, Verbindungen, Geschichte entdecken, Orte, die das Leben geprägt haben Votes: 🔺52 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z


Tagline: KI-gestützte Dokumente mit unbegrenztem Gedächtnis Introduction: Papr is the first AI-native workspace with infinite memory, powered by state-of-the-art retrieval accuracy. Stop losing context across tools—Papr remembers everything from Slack, docs, and meetings. Teams work better, 3x faster. Your AI never forgets. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords:, KI-native, Dokumente, unendlicher Speicher, KI-Workspace, Abrufgenauigkeit, Kontext, Slack, Teamarbeit, Effizienz, Meetings, schneller arbeiten, Gedächtnis, Produktivität, Zusammenarbeit, Votes: 🔺43 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

11. Camouflage for iOS

Tagline: Fotos auf iOS ganz einfach mit Emojis bearbeiten! Introduction: No more fiddling with the markup tool in the Photos app to hide a face. Redact your favorite photos with emojis on iOS and protect the privacy of your loved ones. Camouflage automatically detects faces and overlays it with an emoji! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Camouflage for iOS
Keywords: Camouflage, iOS, Fotos, Emojis, Datenschutz, Gesichter, Privatsphäre, Fotos bearbeiten, Gesichtserkennung, Bildbearbeitung, einfache Nutzung, Schutz, Lieblingsfotos, automatisches Überlagern Votes: 🔺41 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

12. Chariot

Tagline: Erstellen Sie Webseiten schnell mit KI. Introduction: Chariot is an AI web developer. Describe the website you want and Chariot will build it for you. No code required. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Chariot, KI-Webentwickler, Webseiten erstellen, ohne Code, schnelle Webentwicklung, AI-gestützte Webseiten, benutzerfreundlich, Website-Design, automatisierte Webentwicklung, digitale Lösungen, Webdesign-Tool, intelligente Webseiten, Votes: 🔺39 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

13. BrowseRead – Challenge every article

Tagline: Entdecke verborgene Geschichten in jedem Artikel, den du liest. Introduction: BrowseRead analyzes news, blogs, and more, generating supporting and opposing arguments, predicting stock market impact, and recommending relevant books—helping you explore every angle, uncover hidden perspectives, and make informed decisions with confidence. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
BrowseRead – Challenge every article
Keywords: BrowseRead, Artikelanalyse, Nachrichten, Blogs, unterstützende Argumente, gegensätzliche Argumente, Aktienmarktprognosen, Buchempfehlungen, verborgene Perspektiven, informierte Entscheidungen, kritisches Lesen, Medienanalyse Votes: 🔺36 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

14. LinkJolt

Tagline: Powerful affiliate management for saas companies Introduction: Create and manage affiliate campaigns with LinkJolt. Track conversions, manage commissions, and scale your SaaS business with our powerful affiliate management platform. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: LinkJolt, Affiliate-Management, SaaS-Unternehmen, Affiliate-Kampagnen, Conversions verfolgen, Provisionen verwalten, SaaS-Geschäft skalieren, leistungsstarke Plattform, Partnerprogramm, Marketing-Software Votes: 🔺33 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

15. Stress Relief

Tagline: Ihr Weg zum Frieden – ganz einfach! Introduction: Stress Relief is a thoughtfully designed app that helps you manage stress and find calm amidst your daily hustle. With personalized relaxation techniques, guided meditations, and simple yet effective exercises. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Stress Relief
Keywords: Stressbewältigung, Entspannung, Stressabbau, Meditation, persönliche Entspannungstechniken, geführte Meditationen, tägliche Ruhe, mentale Gesundheit, Achtsamkeit, Stressmanagement, innere Ruhe, einfache Übungen, Lebensqualität Votes: 🔺26 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

16. TallyCal

Tagline: Einfache Umfragen zur Gruppenplanung Introduction: Scheduling group meetings is a hassle—TallyCal makes it effortless! Quickly send a poll, find the best time, and lock it in—ad-free and hassle-free! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: TallyCal, Umfragen, Gruppenplanung, Terminfindung, einfache Umfragen, Gruppenmeetings, stressfreies Planen, werbefrei, Zeit finden, Umfrage-Tool Votes: 🔺25 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

17. AI Video Subtitler

Tagline: Add subtitles to video effortlessly – free, open-source tool Introduction: Add subtitles to your videos in just two clicks with this free, open-source tool. Simply upload your video, customize the subtitles to your liking, and they’re added instantly. User-friendly design ensures a smooth, efficient experience from start to finish. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AI Video Subtitler
Keywords: AI Video Untertitel, Untertitel hinzufügen, Video-Tool, kostenlos, Open-Source, benutzerfreundlich, einfache Bedienung, Videos bearbeiten, Untertitel anpassen, effiziente Erfahrung, zwei Klicks, sofortige Untertitel, Video Votes: 🔺25 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

18. - Free screenshots library

Tagline: Like Mobbin & Refero BUT free, collaborative & powered by AI Introduction: Benchmark easily with a free library of screenshots updated everyday by the community. 🤩 +1700 screenshots available 🔎 Search with AI semantic to find specific user stories 📚 Build you own personal library The perfect spot for designers, PMs and app lovers. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt - Free screenshots library
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺24 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

19. Clara - Your Private AI Partner

Tagline: Free Private AI App for Mac - Image Gen, AI Agents & Chat Introduction: Meet Clara, your private AI on Mac, Windows, and beyond—no cloud, no data sharing, just fast, secure intelligence at your fingertips. From chat and automation to image generation, Clara empowers you to create, innovate, and stay in control—completely offline. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Clara - Your Private AI Partner
Keywords: Clara, private AI, Mac App, kostenlose AI-App, Bildgenerierung, AI-Agenten, Chat, sichere Intelligenz, Automatisierung, offline, Datenkontrolle, Kreativität, Innovation, Windows, schnelle Leistung, keine Daten Votes: 🔺22 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

20. WaitKit - Waitlist with Referrals

Tagline: Verwandelt Voranmeldungen vor dem Launch in eine virale Wachstumsmaschine. Introduction: WaitKit provides tools for referral-based signups, allowing users to share their unique referral links to move up a waitlist. Track referral effectiveness and automated engagement features such as email reminders and milestone rewards to keep users engaged. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
WaitKit - Waitlist with Referrals
Keywords: Wartenliste, Empfehlungen, viral, Wachstumsengine, Voranmeldungen, Referral-Links, Benutzerengagement, automatisierte Erinnerungen, Meilensteinbelohnungen, Effektivität verfolgen, Wartelistenmanagement Votes: 🔺22 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

21. Lemokey L5 HE

Tagline: The Ultimate Magnetic Gaming Keyboard Introduction: Lemokey L5 HE 8K combines top-grade specs in a full-metal body to revolutionize your gaming experience. 100% customizable magnetic switch keyboard featuring 0.01 mm actuation precision, 8,000 Hz polling and 32K Hz scan rate, dynamic rapid triggering, and more! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Lemokey L5 HE
Keywords: Lemokey L5 HE, Gaming-Tastatur, magnetische Schalter, 8K-Tastatur, präzise Aktuation, 8000 Hz Abfragerate, 32K Hz Scanning, vollmetall Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

22. 2.0

Tagline: Find Customers on X and Reddit Who Are Ready To Buy Now Introduction: Create custom campaigns that scrape Reddit and X to find users who are actively looking to buy products like yours in minutes with just keywords ! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt 2.0
Keywords: 2.0, Kunden finden, X, Reddit, Kaufbereite Nutzer, benutzerdefinierte Kampagnen, Produkte, Keyword-Suche, Marktanalyse, Zielgruppenansprache, Social Media Marketing, Verkaufsförderung Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

23. Magicley AI for Android

Tagline: Mehrsprachige KI-App, die dazu beiträgt, KI-Technologie für alle zugänglich zu machen. Introduction: Tired of juggling multiple AI tools? Meet Magicley AI your all-in-one multilingual AI generator that's now in your pocket!​ From whipping up blog posts to generating images and helping with code, Magicley AI packs the power of multiple AI tools into one app⁠. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Magicley AI for Android
Keywords: Magicley AI, Android-App, mehrsprachige KI, KI-Technologie, KI-Generator, Blog-Beiträge, Bilder generieren, Programmierhilfe, All-in-One-App, KI-Tools, Demokratisierung der KI, mobile KI Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

24. Alpha

Tagline: Selbstverbesserung, die Spaß macht und wirklich funktioniert. Introduction: Alpha helps you focus on what's most important, keeps your life balanced, and boosts your mood with gratitude and affirmations. It’s easy to use, so you’ll feel more in control and happier every day. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Alpha, Selbstverbesserung, Spaß, funktioniert, Fokus, Lebensbalance, Stimmung, Dankbarkeit, Affirmationen, einfache Nutzung, Kontrolle, Glück, tägliche Verbesserung Votes: 🔺15 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z


Tagline: KI notiert alle Gespräche. Introduction: is a smart meeting assistant powered by AI, crafted to make note-taking easier and boost productivity. It lets you capture key conversations, organize ideas smoothly, and gain valuable insights with ease. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords:, KI-Notizen, Besprechungsassistent, Notizen aufnehmen, Produktivität steigern, Gespräche festhalten, Ideen organisieren, wertvolle Erkenntnisse, intelligente Technologie, Smart Meeting, Effizienzsteigerung Votes: 🔺13 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

26. BuddyStarts

Tagline: Get the RIGHT type of feedback Introduction: BuddyStarts lets you collect structured feedback from your network for your products, projects or ideas. Quick and easy for them, valuable for you. Collect, let AI analyze, iterate, launch 🚀 Never waste months on unvalidated products again. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: BuddyStarts, Feedback sammeln, Strukturierte Rückmeldungen, Netzwerk, Produkte, Projekte, Ideen, Schnelligkeit, Einfachheit, Wertvoll, KI-Analyse, Iteration, Produkteinführung, Unvalidierte Produkte, Effizienz, Benutzer Votes: 🔺12 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z


Tagline: Find design inspiration and resources Introduction: UI/UXpin is a popular online platform that provides design inspiration and resources to enhance their user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for your Project and Learning purpose and Also Grow your UI UX career to the next Level. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: UIUXPIN, Design Inspiration, Ressourcen, Benutzeroberfläche, Benutzererfahrung, Online-Plattform, UI/UX, Projekt, Lernen, Karriere, UI UX Verbesserung, Kreativität, Design-Tools Votes: 🔺11 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

28. myDrScout

Tagline: AI-Powered Doctor Matching Introduction: myDrScout is an AI platform that finds doctors for your specific medical needs. We consider your condition, required expertise, insurance, and location to return specialists with the right qualifications. No more wasted time—find your perfect doctor instantly. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: myDrScout, KI-gestützte Arztsuche, Arztvermittlung, medizinische Bedürfnisse, Facharzt, Versicherung, Standort, qualifizierte Spezialisten, sofortige Arztsuche, personalisierte Gesundheitsversorgung, Zeitersparnis Votes: 🔺11 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

29. Menu AI

Tagline: Ask AI in your Mac's menu bar. Introduction: AI services live in your menu bar, and help you stay productive without switching. • Quick access from your menu bar - always there when you need it. • Multiple AI services to best suit your needs. • Manage your prompt templates. • Smart clipboard integration. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Menu AI
Keywords: Menu AI, KI-Dienste, Menüleiste, produktiv bleiben, schneller Zugriff, mehrere KI-Dienste, Prompt-Vorlagen verwalten, intelligente Zwischenablage-Integration, Mac, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Effizienz, Arbeitsabl Votes: 🔺10 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z

30. PocketMind

Tagline: Learn Smarter & Faster with AI Introduction: PocketMind is the ultimate AI flashcard generator app that turns any topic into visually stunning, interactive flashcards designed for 10x better retention. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: PocketMind, Lern-App, KI-Flashcards, interaktive Lernkarten, bessere Behaltensleistung, visuelle Lernhilfen, schnelles Lernen, intelligente Lerntechnologie, Bildung, effektives Lernen, Lernwerkzeug, digitale Lernkarten Votes: 🔺10 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-21T07:01:00Z