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Verwandle Sprachnotizen in sofortige Aktionen in deinen Lieblingswerkzeugen.


Epiphany is the the fastest, most frictionless way to capture your ideas with voice and create actions with them in tools like Notion, Asana, Todoist, Clickup, Obsidian, and more. Stop losing ideas to distraction, and start putting them to work.

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Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-03-20

1. Epiphany

Tagline: Verwandle Sprachnotizen in sofortige Aktionen in deinen Lieblingswerkzeugen. Introduction: Epiphany is the the fastest, most frictionless way to capture your ideas with voice and create actions with them in tools like Notion, Asana, Todoist, Clickup, Obsidian, and more. Stop losing ideas to distraction, and start putting them to work. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Epiphany, Sprachnotizen, Sofortaktionen, Notion, Asana, Todoist, Clickup, Obsidian, Ideen festhalten, Sprachaufnahme, Produktivität, Aufgabenmanagement, Kreativität, Effizienz, Ideen Votes: 🔺647 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

2. Intelswift AI Agents Marketplace

Tagline: Automatisierung des Kundenservice durch KI Introduction: Intelswift makes customer support effortless. AI chatbots, Live Chat, and AI Copilot work together to automate responses, assist agents, and provide real-time insights—improving efficiency without losing the human touch. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Intelswift AI Agents Marketplace
Keywords: Intelswift, KI-Agenten-Marktplatz, Kundenservice-Automatisierung, KI-Chatbots, Live-Chat, KI-Copilot, automatisierte Antworten, Unterstützung für Agenten, Echtzeiteinblicke, Effizienz Votes: 🔺500 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

3. RecordAi

Tagline: Ein Freund in WhatsApp, um Erinnerungen und Ereignisse festzulegen. Introduction: RecordAi is a friendly WhatsApp assistant you chat with—send texts or voice notes, and it’ll remind you of everything important. Unlike traditional to-do lists, RecordAi understands you naturally, sets reminders, and pings you at exactly the right moment. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: RecordAi, WhatsApp-Assistent, Erinnerungen, Ereignisse, freundlicher Assistent, Textnachrichten, Sprachnotizen, natürliche Interaktion, To-Do-Listen, rechtzeitige Erinnerungen, wichtige Erinnerungen Votes: 🔺463 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

4. Notebooks - Your AI Whiteboard

Tagline: Verwandle YouTube-Videos, Dokumente und Webseiten in Inhalte, die überzeugen! Introduction: Your AI Whiteboard to create better content faster⚡ ✨ Add PDFs/YouTube/websites → AI writes like your sources 🎯 Create content that actually sounds like you, not generic AI 🤖 ChatGPT + Claude + DeepSeek in one place Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Notebooks - Your AI Whiteboard
Keywords: Notebooks, AI Whiteboard, Inhalte erstellen, YouTube Videos, Dokumente, Webseiten, bessere Inhalte, schneller, PDFs hinzufügen, KI schreibt, individuelle Inhalte, ChatGPT, Claude, DeepSeek, Content erstellen, kreative Inhalte, digitale Notizen Votes: 🔺419 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

5. Calmer

Tagline: Eine App zur Angstbewältigung, die wirklich hilft. Introduction: Years ago, a surfing accident sparked my battle with anxiety and depression. Calmer was born from that journey. Built with clinical psychologists, it offers science-backed tools and insights to help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and regain control. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Calmer, Angstlinderungsapp, Stressbewältigung, Angstmanagement, psychologische Einsichten, klinische Psychologen, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Werkzeuge, Depression, Kontrolle zurückgewinnen, Angstbewältigungstools Votes: 🔺401 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

6. Multi-Agent Builder

Tagline: Sichere Agenten, die zusammenarbeiten und über verschiedene Werkzeuge hinweg aktiv werden. Introduction: Credal enables enterprises to deploy secure, collaborative AI Agents to handle multi-step workflows across an organization’s tools, data and subject matter expertise. Agents can autonomously call other agents and take action while respecting data permissions. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Multi-Agent Builder
Keywords: Multi-Agent Builder, sichere Agenten, Zusammenarbeit, automatisierte Workflows, KI-Agenten, Unternehmenslösungen, Datenberechtigungen, autonome Aktionen, Tool-Integration, Fachwissen, effiziente Prozesse, sichere Technologie, digitale Transformation Votes: 🔺293 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

7. Gemini Canvas

Tagline: Mit KI interagieren und zusammenarbeiten, um zu schaffen. Introduction: Gemini Canvas is your interactive space to write, code, and create. Go from idea to creation in minutes. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Gemini Canvas
Keywords: Gemini Canvas, interaktive Plattform, AI-Kollaboration, Ideen umsetzen, Schreiben, Programmieren, Kreativität fördern, schnelle Erstellung, digitales Arbeitsumfeld, kreative Zusammenarbeit Votes: 🔺279 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

8. Elevenreader by ElevenLabs

Tagline: Verbessern Sie Ihr Hörerlebnis! Introduction: Read text aloud with ElevenReader app. Listen to free audiobooks and read aloud PDFs, eBooks, and Kindle with the highest-quality voice AI. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Elevenreader by ElevenLabs
Keywords: Elevenreader, ElevenLabs, Hörerlebnis, Text vorlesen, kostenlose Hörbücher, PDFs, eBooks, Kindle, Sprach-KI, hochwertige Stimme, App zur Textvorlesung Votes: 🔺237 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

9. Bloks | True Relationship Intelligence

Tagline: Clients count on you. You can count on Bloks. Introduction: Bloks captures client conversations, integrates your documents, emails & trusted Internet sources, and proactively delivers insights directly into your CRM. Count on Bloks to connect the dots, so you can focus fully on clients - True Relationship Intelligence. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Bloks | True Relationship Intelligence
Keywords: Bloks, wahre Beziehungsintelligenz, Kundenkommunikation, CRM-Integration, Dokumentenmanagement, E-Mail-Integration, proaktive Einblicke, Vertrauenswürdige Internetquellen, Kundenorientierung, Geschäftsanalyse, Kommunikation Votes: 🔺157 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

10. Pacdora

Tagline: KI-gestützte Hintergründe für Produktvisualisierungen in Studioqualität! Introduction: Pacdora's AI Background Generator transforms product images with lifelike backgrounds. It offers lighting, seamless blending, and a vast selection of backgrounds. With a rich model library, it ensures every product looks natural and professionally staged. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Pacdora, KI-gestützte Hintergründe, Studio-Qualität, Produktvisualisierungen, Hintergrundgenerator, realistische Hintergründe, Lichtverhältnisse, nahtloses Mischen, große Auswahl, Modellbibliothek Votes: 🔺81 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

11. AI SuitUp x Teams

Tagline: KI-Porträts für dein Start-up! Mühelos und professionell. Introduction: Get a consistent, professional team page with AI SuitUp. AI SuitUp creates studio-quality headshots from your team members' selfies, in just one hour! Save time, cut costs, and boost your company credibility with team photos that perfectly match your brand. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AI SuitUp x Teams
Keywords: AI SuitUp, Teams, KI-Porträts, Start-up, professionelle Teamseite, studioqualitative Fotos, Selbstporträts, Zeit sparen, Kosten senken, Unternehmensglaubwürdigkeit, Markenübereinstimmung, Teamf Votes: 🔺75 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

12. BlogBuster

Tagline: Mach deinen Blog zu einer automatisierten Traffic-Maschine! Introduction: Blogbuster helps you keep your blog active without spending hours writing. It suggests topics, creates well-structured articles with SEO keywords, visuals and internal links so you can focus on other things while your blog and organic traffic keeps growing. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: BlogBuster, Blog, Traffic, Autopilot, SEO, Artikel, Themenvorschläge, interne Links, organischer Verkehr, Blogging-Tools, Content-Erstellung, Zeitersparnis, Strukturierte Artikel, Visuals, Blogpflege Votes: 🔺58 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z


Tagline: Kaufe oder verkaufe günstige, ungenutzte Domainnamen von oder an Indie-Macher. Introduction: Indie makers and founders register so many domain names that are perfect for other projects. Why not put them in a marketplace vetted for quality, where other makers can find cheap options to start their own projects? Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords:, ungenutzte Domainnamen, Domainverkauf, Indie-Maker, günstige Domains, Domainmarktplatz, Domainregistrierung, Projektstart, qualitativ hochwertige Domains, Domainhandel, Gründer, kreative Projekte Votes: 🔺58 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

14. ilpApps

Tagline: Erreiche mehr mit OKRs und funktionierenden Zielen! Introduction: Set, track, and achieve your OKRs with ilpApps, your all-in-one. Assign Key Results to tasks, measure success, and keep your team aligned—all while staying on schedule to crush your goals. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: ilpApps, OKRs, Zielverwirklichung, Aufgabenmanagement, Erfolgsmessung, Teamzusammenhalt, Zielverfolgung, All-in-One-Lösung, Leistungssteigerung, Zielsetzungen, Produktivitätssteigerung, Votes: 🔺58 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

15. Dreamface

Tagline: Schneller KI-Generator direkt zur Hand! Introduction: Create stunning AI-powered videos and photos effortlessly! With just one click, generate AI avatars, videos, and images. Bring moments to life with heartwarming pet videos, adorable baby clips, and more using AI-driven templates. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Dreamface, AI-Generator, KI-Videos, KI-Fotos, Avatar-Erstellung, Video-Generator, Bild-Generator, Haustier-Videos, Baby-Clips, KI-Vorlagen, einfach, schnell, herzerwärmend Votes: 🔺58 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

16. Vibe Photoshop

Tagline: Bearbeiten mit KI und Stimmung Introduction: Transform your images with AI-powered editing. Generate, edit, and enhance photos with natural language prompts. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Vibe Photoshop
Keywords: Vibe Photoshop, KI-gestützte Bildbearbeitung, Bilder transformieren, Fotos generieren, Fotos bearbeiten, natürliche Spracheingaben, Bildenhancement, AI-Editing, Fotobearbeitung, kreative Bildbearbeitung Votes: 🔺45 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

17. Valibot

Tagline: Die 1 kB Schema-Bibliothek für TypeScript Introduction: I am excited to announce the release of Valibot v1, a 1 kB alternative to Zod with a type-safe and easy-to-remember API. Valibot is perfect for validating forms and securing backend-frontend communication with a single source of truth. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Valibot, TypeScript, Schema-Bibliothek, 1 kB, Zod-Alternative, Typensicherheit, API, Formularvalidierung, Backend-Frontend-Kommunikation, Quelle der Wahrheit Votes: 🔺43 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

18. SeedLegals Pitch Deck

Tagline: Die Präsentationsvorlage, die Investoren von dir erwarten Introduction: Create the perfect pitch deck with our free template, including tips from industry experts and step-by-step guidance. Trusted by over 60,000 companies and with $2.5B+ raised on platform, SeedLegals is the new way to do the legals for your fundraise! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
SeedLegals Pitch Deck
Keywords: SeedLegals, Pitch Deck, Vorlage, Investoren, kostenlos, Tipps, Branchenexperten, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, Unternehmen, Finanzierung, $2.5B, rechtliche Unterstützung, Fundraising, Investitionsvorlage, Votes: 🔺42 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

19. AltaDetect 2.0

Tagline: Nächste Generation der KI-Erkennung mit menschlicher Genauigkeit. Introduction: Tired of guessing if content is AI-generated? AltaDetect’s next-gen AI detection gives you a Human Score and built-in plagiarism checks — simple, accurate, hassle-free. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AltaDetect 2.0
Keywords: AltaDetect 2.0, KI-Detektion, menschliche Genauigkeit, AI-generierter Inhalt, Plagiatsprüfung, einfache Nutzung, präzise Ergebnisse, nächste Generation, Technologie, Content-Analyse Votes: 🔺39 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

20. Color Extractor

Tagline: Kostenloses Farbanalysetool Introduction: Extract and analyze colors from any website with our free tool. Discover color patterns, usage statistics, and create beautiful palettes for your designs... Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Color Extractor
Keywords: Farbextraktor, kostenlose Farb-Analysetools, Farbanalyse, Farben extrahieren, Farbstatistiken, Farbmuster, Farbpaletten erstellen, Design-Tools, Webseitfarben, Farbtrends, Farbentdeckung Votes: 🔺34 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

21. VoiceCanvas

Tagline: Sofortige Text-zu-Sprache in über 40 Sprachen mit Sprachklonierung. Introduction: Experience cutting-edge neural voice synthesis and voice cloning technology in over 40 languages, utilizing advanced artificial intelligence to offer clear and transparent audio quality, natural language processing, and personalized voice cloning features. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: VoiceCanvas, Text-to-Speech, Sprachsynthese, Sprachklonung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Audioqualität, natürliche Sprachverarbeitung, mehr als 40 Sprachen, neuronale Sprachsynthese, personalisierte Stimme Votes: 🔺29 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

22. Machina Sports - AI Agents for Sports

Tagline: Verwandle rohe Sportdaten in interaktive Erlebnisse für Fans. Introduction: Machina Sports is a serverless AI platform that helps sports orgs and devs build AI agents effortlessly. Convert real-time sports data into engaging fan experiences with pre-built connectors and agent templates. No heavy infrastructure needed. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Machina Sports - AI Agents for Sports
Keywords: Machina Sports, KI-Agenten, Sportdaten, interaktive Fan-Erlebnisse, serverless Plattform, Sportorganisationen, Entwickler, Echtzeit-Daten, ansprechende Erlebnisse, vorgefertigte Konnektoren, Agent Votes: 🔺25 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

23. apply-bridge

Tagline: Automatisiere deine Jobsuche mit KI-gestützten, intelligenten Nachfassaktionen. Introduction: apply-bridge automates your job search with AI-powered emails and follow-ups. Track applications, monitor responses, and set custom wait periods. The Chrome extension helps find recruiter contacts instantly. Integrates with Gmail/Outlook for seamless outreach. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: apply-bridge, Automatisierung, Jobsuche, KI-gestützte E-Mails, Follow-ups, Bewerbungen verfolgen, Antworten überwachen, benutzerdefinierte Wartezeiten, Chrome-Erweiterung, Recruiter-Kontakte Votes: 🔺25 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

24. Textly: Capture, Copy & Paste

Tagline: Sofortige Texterkennung, Zwischenablageverlauf Introduction: Textly makes capturing text and copying effortless. Always ready when you need it and make text capturing a breeze! You can capture text from images, videos, PDFs, or any part of your screen. And, open and search your entire clipboard history. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Textly: Capture, Copy & Paste
Keywords: Textly, Text erfassen, Kopieren, Einfügen, Sofort-OCR, Zwischenablage-Historie, Text von Bildern, Videos, PDFs, Bildschirm erfassen, Textkopieren, Effortless Text Capture, Textver Votes: 🔺24 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

25. BuzzBench

Tagline: Leistungsprüfung von APIs über verschiedene Umgebungen hinweg. Introduction: BuzzBench is a flexible performance testing platform made to make API testing seamless and efficient. It uses an agent-based architecture where lightweight runners execute tests directly from your environment and report results back to a centralized dashboard. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: BuzzBench, API-Performance-Tests, plattform für Leistungstests, flexible Testplattform, agentenbasierte Architektur, nahtloses API-Testing, effizientes Testen, leichte Runner, zentrale Dashboard, Testergebnisse, Leistungst Votes: 🔺24 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

26. Chatwize

Tagline: Deploy your customer support AI Agent within seconds Introduction: Chatwise makes it easy for businesses to launch customer support AI agents in 3 steps: register, upload your knowledge base, and add JavaScript widget to your website. The agent also identifies strong leads and notifies human agents to close the deal. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Chatwize, Kundenservice, KI-Agent, Kundenunterstützung, schnelle Bereitstellung, Wissensdatenbank, JavaScript-Widget, Geschäftslösungen, starke Leads, Benachrichtigung, menschliche Agenten, Verkaufsabschluss Votes: 🔺20 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

27. AI Prompt Generator

Tagline: Generate well-defined prompts to guide your AI for any task Introduction: AI Prompt Generator helps you create clear and structured prompts for AI tools. You can use it for both text-to-text or text-to-image AI models. It takes your simple input and creates a prompt so you can describe your task better and get more accurate results. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AI Prompt Generator
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺19 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

28. Mythic v3.0

Tagline: Unvergleichliche Sicherheitsinformationen über Datenpannen Introduction: Real time discovery of exfiltration of credentials, PII, trade secrets, and intellectual property, and more not only from your extended supply-chain and trusted partners, but from anywhere globally. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Mythic v3.0
Keywords: Mythic v3.0, unübertroffene Bedrohungsintelligenz, Echtzeit-Entdeckung, Datenexfiltration, Anmeldedaten, personenbezogene Daten, Geschäftsgeheimnisse, geistiges Eigentum, Liefer Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

29. BabelShark

Tagline: Rapid localization of websites and HTML mobile apps Introduction: BabelShark is a tool for a rapid localization of websites and HTML mobile apps. BabelShark combines the speed of automatic translation with manual correction and AI-based proofreading. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: BabelShark, schnelle Lokalisierung, Websites, HTML mobile Apps, automatisierte Übersetzung, manuelle Korrektur, KI-gestützte Korrektur, Lokalisierungstool, Übersetzungssoftware, Webseitenlokalis Votes: 🔺17 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z

30. Penome

Tagline: Produktmanagement vereinfachen Introduction: Transparency. Objectivity. Data Driven Decisions. Collaborative action across your entire organization. Focus on stakeholders to involve them in roadmapping process. Go Beyond Roadmaps and focus on feedbacks. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Penome, Produktmanagement, Transparenz, Objektivität, datenbasierte Entscheidungen, Zusammenarbeit, Stakeholder, Roadmapping-Prozess, Feedback, Produktentwicklung, Organisation, Effizienz, Teamarbeit, strategische Planung, Nutzerzentrierte Ansätze Votes: 🔺16 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-20T07:01:00Z