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Imagine a human-like English coach, available 24/7 and 15x cheaper. That’s Fluently 🚀 Fix your mistakes, improve your vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar to feel confident on work calls. Join 25,000+ non-native professionals at!

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Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-03-11

1. Fluently

Tagline: Start speaking English as well as your native language Introduction: Imagine a human-like English coach, available 24/7 and 15x cheaper. That’s Fluently 🚀 Fix your mistakes, improve your vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar to feel confident on work calls. Join 25,000+ non-native professionals at! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Fluently, Englisch lernen, Sprachcoach, 24/7 verfügbar, kostengünstig, Fehler korrigieren, Wortschatz verbessern, Aussprache, Grammatik, Selbstvertrauen, Berufskommunikation, Nicht-Muttersprach Votes: 🔺899 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

2. Skarbe

Tagline: Der proaktive Verkaufsantrieb, der ohne CRM auskommt. Introduction: Sales flexing platform built specifically for SMB - people who sell and hate CRMs. Unlike legacy CRMs made for spreadsheet lovers, Skarbe is for closers. Automates deal tracking, email follow-ups, call recordings and meeting insights to save you 2 hours a day. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Skarbe, Verkaufsplattform, CRM-frei, SMB, Verkaufsautomatisierung, Deal-Tracking, E-Mail-Nachverfolgung, Anrufaufzeichnungen, Meeting-Einblicke, Zeitersparnis, Verkaufsprofis, Eff Votes: 🔺733 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

3. IKI.AI 2.0

Tagline: LLM-native space for professional knowledge Introduction: IKI.AI is an LLM-native space for your knowledge - Save URLs, YouTube videos, PDFs, txts, or sync your cloud drive - Enjoy advanced assistant to fetch & analyze information, or draft a report - Powered by SOTA LLMs, augmented with web search Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
IKI.AI 2.0
Keywords: IKI.AI 2.0, LLM-native, professionelles Wissen, URLs speichern, YouTube-Videos, PDFs, Texte, Cloud-Laufwerk synchronisieren, fortgeschrittener Assistent, Informationen abrufen, analysieren, Bericht Votes: 🔺591 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

4. Qodo Gen

Tagline: Agentisches Programmieren, um Selbstvertrauen zu schaffen und nicht nur Code. Introduction: Qodo Gen, part of Qodo's code integrity platform, embeds AI agents into IDEs to improve coding, testing, and quality workflows. With deep context awareness, agents help devs solve complex coding and write cleaner, more efficient code with less manual effort. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Qodo Gen
Keywords: Qodo Gen, Agentic Coding, KI-Agenten, IDE-Integration, Code-Qualität, Codierung, Testen, Workflow-Optimierung, Kontextbewusstsein, effizientes Programmieren, manuelle Arbeit reduzieren, Softwareentwicklung, Code Votes: 🔺575 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

5. Embra

Tagline: Unify work with AI agents - meetings, CRM, research & email Introduction: Embra is a powerful AI operating system. Accelerate sales & product development with your team of AI agents that know your business. The AI OS includes meetings, CRM, email & research capabilities to simplify your stack and save 5+ hours each week. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Embra, KI-Betriebssystem, Verkaufssteigerung, Produktentwicklung, KI-Agenten, Meetings, CRM, E-Mail, Forschung, Zeitersparnis, Effizienzsteigerung, Teamarbeit, Geschäftsanalyse, Arbeitsvereinheitlich Votes: 🔺502 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

6. Eraser AI

Tagline: Codebase diagrams that update themselves Introduction: Generate live diagrams from your codebase that stay up to date automatically. Visualize your infrastructure, system architecture, data models, and application logic with minimal manual effort. Set it up once, and let Eraser AI keep your documentation in sync. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Eraser AI
Keywords: Eraser AI, Codebase-Diagramme, automatisierte Aktualisierung, Live-Diagramme, Infrastruktur visualisieren, Systemarchitektur, Datenmodelle, Anwendungslogik, minimale manuelle Arbeit, Dokumentation synchronisieren, Votes: 🔺424 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

7. Mantle

Tagline: KI-gestützte Verwaltung von Kapiteltabellen für moderne Gründer Introduction: Tired of spreadsheets or overpriced cap table software? Enjoy a modern, AI-native cap table management platform with unlimited stakeholders. Free cap table setup. Hands-on support. One flat fee. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Mantle, KI-basierte Cap-Table-Verwaltung, moderne Gründer, Cap-Table-Software, unbegrenzte Stakeholder, kostenlose Cap-Table-Einrichtung, praktische Unterstützung, Pauschalgebühr, innovative Technologie, Votes: 🔺319 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

8. Reworkd

Tagline: Scrape 100s of unique websites using AI Introduction: Reworkd is your scraping co-pilot. Reworkd understands website structures and auto-generates Playwright code to take actions, visit subpages, scrape, and save data based on your custom schema. It's time to do data different. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Reworkd, Web-Scraping, KI, Playwright, Datenextraktion, Webseitenstruktur, automatisierte Code-Generierung, Datenrettung, benutzerdefiniertes Schema, Datensammlung, Web-Automatisierung, Daten Votes: 🔺276 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

9. LinktoDM

Tagline: Automatisiere deine Instagram-DMs in Sekundenschnelle! Introduction: Take your Instagram growth to the next level by automating comments, DMs, and story replies. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: LinktoDM, Instagram Automatisierung, DMs automatisieren, Instagram Wachstum, Kommentare automatisieren, Story Antworten, Social Media Tools, Online Marketing, Instagram Engagement, Wachstum steigern Votes: 🔺234 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

10. Selene 1

Tagline: Evaluate your AI app with the most accurate LLM Judge Introduction: Selene 1 is an LLM-as-a-Judge that evaluates AI responses with human-like precision. Get eval scores and actionable feedback via our API to boost your AI's reliability. Measure what matters to you by building custom evals in our Alignment Platform. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Selene 1
Keywords: Selene 1, KI-Anwendung, LLM Judge, Bewertung, präzise Bewertung, AI-Antworten, Eval Scores, umsetzbares Feedback, API, Zuverlässigkeit steigern, benutzerdefinierte Bewertungen, Alignment Votes: 🔺197 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

11. RagaAI Catalyst

Tagline: Beobachten, bewerten und Fehler bei KI-Agenten beheben. Introduction: RagaAI Catalyst helps you evaluate all stages of Agentic AI workflows and deploy with confidence. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
RagaAI Catalyst
Keywords: RagaAI Catalyst, AI-Agenten, Beobachten, Bewerten, Debuggen, Agentic AI, Arbeitsabläufe, Evaluierung, Bereitstellung, Vertrauen Votes: 🔺167 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

12. SalesPort Email Finder Extension

Tagline: Find verified B2B emails & phones directly from any website Introduction: On a prospect’s website and need reliable contact info? Just open our extension, see all key decision-makers, apply smart filters to find your target, hit “Reveal,” and instantly get verified emails, phones, and LinkedIn profiles. Try SalesPort for free today! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
SalesPort Email Finder Extension
Keywords: SalesPort, E-Mail Finder, B2B-Kontakte, verifizierte E-Mails, Telefonnummern, Website-Informationen, Entscheidungsträger, intelligente Filter, LinkedIn-Profile, Kontaktinformationen, Vertriebswerkzeug, kostenlose Votes: 🔺163 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

13. AnyStory

Tagline: Cursor for writing Introduction: AI-powered writing assistant Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: AnyStory, Schreibhilfe, KI-gestützt, Schreibassistent, Textgenerator, kreative Schreibwerkzeuge, Schreibunterstützung, Inhaltsentwicklung, Automatisiertes Schreiben, Schreiboptimierung Votes: 🔺162 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

14. Ballpark + Rally

Tagline: Rekrutieren, forschen, belohnen – ganz unkompliziert. Introduction: The Ballpark x Rally integration allows you to effortlessly recruit, manage, and reward participants while keeping governance, incentives, and security in check. Launch studies, sync insights back, and ensure a seamless research experience. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Ballpark + Rally
Keywords: Ballpark, Rally, Rekrutierung, Forschung, Belohnung, Integration, Teilnehmermanagement, Governance, Anreize, Sicherheit, Studien starten, Einblicke synchronisieren, nahtlose Forschungserfahrung Votes: 🔺154 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

15. Taska

Tagline: Eine wunderschön gestaltete Mac-App für GitHub- und GitLab-Probleme. Introduction: By communicating directly with GitHub and GitLab, Taska simplifies the developer workflow while maintaining full compatibility with other tools–ensuring seamless collaboration whether or not all team members use Taska. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Taska, Mac App, GitHub, GitLab, Issues, Entwickler-Workflow, Zusammenarbeit, Kompatibilität, Teamarbeit, Produktivität, Software-Entwicklung, Design, Effizienz Votes: 🔺152 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

16. Emery

Tagline: Manage tasks, notes & calendars in one clean interface Introduction: We built Emery to stop context-switching between apps. Manage tasks, notes, and calendar in one clean interface. Zero registration, free core features, and collections to organize your work. Web, iOS, and Android with premium sync. Start in seconds! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Emery, Aufgabenmanagement, Notizen, Kalender, saubere Oberfläche, App, Kontextwechsel, kostenlose Funktionen, Sammlungen, Arbeitsorganisation, Web, iOS, Android, Premium-Synchronisation, sofort starten Votes: 🔺141 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

17. bloodrec

Tagline: Decode your bloodwork, unlock your health Introduction: Bloodrec transforms lab results into actionable insights. Upload your bloodwork to instantly see which biomarkers are optimal and which need attention. Get personalized recommendations for out-of-range values and take control of your health. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Bloodrec, Blutuntersuchung, Gesundheitsanalyse, Laborergebnisse, Biomarker, persönliche Empfehlungen, Gesundheitskontrolle, Gesundheitsoptimierung, Blutwertanalyse, individuelle Gesundheit, Aktionsfähige Einblicke, Laboranalyse, Blutwerte, Gesundheits Votes: 🔺131 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

18. Workspace by Portal Labs

Tagline: Collaborate with agents for work Introduction: Intelligent workspace to combine latest AI LLM models with tools to search and scrape the web, parse PDF's, create tables and documents, and more. Easily jump into a thread and start collaborating with agents to accomplish more tasks. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Workspace by Portal Labs
Keywords: Workspace, Portal Labs, intelligenter Arbeitsplatz, Zusammenarbeit, KI-Modelle, Web-Suche, PDF-Parsing, Dokumentenerstellung, Tabellen, Aufgaben, Agenten, effiziente Zusammenarbeit, Produktivität, intelligente Werkzeuge, Thread, Aufgabenbew Votes: 🔺129 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

19. Mouse Jiggler for Mac

Tagline: Prevent your Mac from sleeping Introduction: Keep your Mac awake for presentations, webinars, live streaming, long downloads, and more. Maintain workflow without interruptions - simple and effective! Fully Free! Download Now! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Mouse Jiggler for Mac
Keywords: Maus Jiggler, Mac, Mac nicht schlafen, Präsentationen, Webinare, Live-Streaming, lange Downloads, Workflow, Unterbrechungen vermeiden, einfach, effektiv, kostenlos, jetzt herunterladen Votes: 🔺129 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

20. Turn

Tagline: Turn your art and audio into spinning music videos. Introduction: Turn your art and audio into spinning music videos you can share on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and more. Visit to create videos for free and upgrade to Pro to unlock more unique features. 💿 Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Turn, Kunst, Audio, Musikvideos, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Videos erstellen, kostenlos, Pro-Version, einzigartige Funktionen, teilen, kreative Inhalte, digitale Kunst, Musik, Videoerstellung Votes: 🔺124 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

21. CodeX-Editor

Tagline: A web code editor with AI & multi-language support Introduction: CodeX is a web-based code editor designed to simplify coding with AI assistance, multi-language support, and real-time execution. Whether you're writing, converting, or optimizing code, CodeX enhances your workflow and boosts productivity. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: CodeX-Editor, Web-Code-Editor, KI-Unterstützung, Mehrsprachige Unterstützung, Echtzeitausführung, Codierung vereinfachen, Code schreiben, Code konvertieren, Code optimieren, Workflow verbessern, Produktivität steig Votes: 🔺123 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

22. GradeWiz

Tagline: AI Grading Assistant for College Professors Introduction: GradeWiz is an AI Powered Teaching Assistant that grades student work with AI, reducing grading time by >60% and giving students detailed, next-day feedback. We are already used at 8 colleges including Cornell. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: GradeWiz, KI-Notenassistent, Hochschulprofessoren, KI-gestützte Lehrassistenz, Notenvergabe, Zeitersparnis, detailliertes Feedback, Studentenarbeit, Hochschulen, Cornell, nächste Tag Votes: 🔺122 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

23. App Access Matrix by Stitchflow

Tagline: Define, review & share SaaS app access policies for your org Introduction: With App Access Matrix (a free tool), IT teams get a structured, dynamic way to define, review, and update access policies across all SaaS applications—per app and per user role, team, department or location—without the spreadsheet mess. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
App Access Matrix by Stitchflow
Keywords: App Access Matrix, Stitchflow, SaaS-Anwendungen, Zugriffsrichtlinien, IT-Teams, Zugriff verwalten, dynamische Struktur, Benutzerrollen, Teams, Abteilungen, Standorte, kostenloses Tool, Zugriff überprüfen, aktualisieren Votes: 🔺111 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

24. DMGBuilder

Tagline: macOS application to create dmg installer for your Mac app Introduction: DMGBuilder is a GUI application for macOS that simplyfies creation of installation files. There is no need to manually generate DMG files using Disk Utility or command-line tools when making *.app installer. DMGBuilder creates installer file in seconds Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: DMGBuilder, macOS Anwendung, DMG Installer, Mac App, Installationsdateien erstellen, grafische Benutzeroberfläche, Installation, DMG-Dateien, einfache Erstellung, Disk Utility, Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge, App- Votes: 🔺108 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

25. Clipse

Tagline: Synchronized availability across companies and calendars Introduction: Clipse is a scheduling tool that lets you connect with people from other companies and schedule meetings as if they were internal. Boost efficiency while strengthening your client and vendor relationships - right inside your calendar. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Clipse, Terminplanung, Synchronisierte Verfügbarkeit, Unternehmen, Kalender, Planungstool, Effizienzsteigerung, Kundenbeziehungen, Lieferantenbeziehungen, interne Besprechungen, Kalenderintegration Votes: 🔺106 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

26. RapidSchema

Tagline: Generated Schema Markup from code you've already written Introduction: Schema Markup has been proven to increase website traffic. We help capture that value for your business by automating the code conversion needed to "mark up" your pages with valid schema types. Less time reading docs, more time creating value! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: RapidSchema, Schema Markup, Website-Traffic, Automatisierung, Code-Konvertierung, Gültige Schema-Typen, Zeitersparnis, Wertschöpfung, Webseiten-Optimierung, SEO-Tools Votes: 🔺105 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

27. Cenote

Tagline: Back office automation for medical clinics Introduction: Cenote uses AI to automate the back office for medical practices — eliminating the bottlenecks that often delay patient care and clinic revenue. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Cenote, Backoffice-Automatisierung, medizinische Kliniken, KI, Patientenversorgung, Praxiseinnahmen, Automatisierung, Gesundheitswesen, Effizienzsteigerung, Praxismanagement Votes: 🔺102 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

28. Jamba 1.6

Tagline: Enterprise-ready, open model with 256K context Introduction: Jamba 1.6, from AI21 Labs, is the high-quality, open model for enterprises. 256K context, outperforms, and offers on-premise/VPC deployment for data security. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Jamba 1.6
Keywords: Jamba 1.6, KI-Modell, Unternehmensbereit, offenes Modell, 256K Kontext, hohe Qualität, AI21 Labs, On-Premise, VPC-Bereitstellung, Datensicherheit, leistungsstark Votes: 🔺98 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

29. Reranker by Contextual AI

Tagline: The world's first instruction-following reranker Introduction: This is the first reranker that can follow custom instructions about how to rank retrievals (e.g. recency, source, metadata, etc.). Our reranker is the most accurate in the world, outperforming competitors by large margins on the industry-standard benchmarks. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Reranker by Contextual AI
Keywords: Reranker, Contextual AI, Anweisungen folgen, Ranking, Abruf, Genauigkeit, Wettbewerber, Branchenbenchmarks, benutzerdefinierte Anweisungen, Aktualität, Quelle, Metadaten Votes: 🔺98 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z

30. Live3d Vtuber Maker

Tagline: VTuber software suite Introduction: Vtuber Maker is a multifunctional software that integrates virtual avatar creation, live streaming interaction, AI-generated avatars, and more. It is especially suitable for content creators who wish to interact with their audience through virtual avatars. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
 Live3d Vtuber Maker
Keywords: Live3d, Vtuber Maker, VTuber Software, virtuelle Avatare, Live-Streaming, Interaktion, KI-generierte Avatare, Content Creator, virtuelle Interaktion, Multifuntionale Software, Avatar-Erstellung Votes: 🔺97 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-03-11T07:01:00Z