
System activity monitor for Mac and iPhone


The monitoring app you deserve! • Comprehensive system monitoring (CPU, RAM, disk, network, GPU, fans and more) • Menu Bar support • Beautiful widgets • Sync via iCloud • Lightweight performance impact • Lots of customizations

Vote: 435

Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-02-02

1. Usage

Tagline: System activity monitor for Mac and iPhone Introduction: The monitoring app you deserve! • Comprehensive system monitoring (CPU, RAM, disk, network, GPU, fans and more) • Menu Bar support • Beautiful widgets • Sync via iCloud • Lightweight performance impact • Lots of customizations Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Systemaktivitätsmonitor, Mac, iPhone, Überwachungs-App, umfassende Systemüberwachung, CPU, RAM, Festplatte, Netzwerk, GPU, Lüfter, Menüleiste, schöne Widgets, iCloud-Synchronisierung, leichtgewicht Votes: 🔺435 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

2. Pimosa

Tagline: Simple video, photo & music editing tools in one app Introduction: Pimosa lets you convert, edit, and enhance video, photos, and music files easily. Batch processing for faster work. simple tools for everyone. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Pimosa, Video bearbeiten, Fotos bearbeiten, Musik bearbeiten, einfache Werkzeuge, Batch-Verarbeitung, Multimedia-Editing, Benutzerfreundlich, Dateien konvertieren, Datei verbessern, kreative Tools, alles in einer App Votes: 🔺380 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

3. openRCP

Tagline: Deine Lieblingsrezepte, aber ohne Werbung. Introduction: Snatch recipes from anywhere, import them into openRCP in 1 click and get a clean, minimalist and most importantly, ad-free version (in seconds). Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: openRCP, Rezepte, werbefrei, Rezeptverwaltung, einfach importieren, minimalistisches Design, Rezept-Organizer, Kochrezepte, benutzerfreundlich, schnelle Nutzung, Rezeptsammlung, Werbung entfernen Votes: 🔺334 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

4. ProductHunt Chaos Simulator

Tagline: Schau dir an, was an deinem Launch-Tag auf Product Hunt passieren könnte! Introduction: Simulate your Product Hunt launch with xAI’s Grok. Predict upvotes, comments, maker mistakes, and even plot twists. It’s free, fun, and part of AnotherWrapper—a starter kit with 11 AI apps ready to customize. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
ProductHunt Chaos Simulator
Keywords: ProductHunt Chaos Simulator, Produktstart-Simulator, xAI Grok, Vorhersage von Upvotes, Kommentare simulieren, Maker-Fehler, Plot-Twists, kostenlos, unterhaltsam, AnotherWrapper, KI-Apps, Votes: 🔺302 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

5. Atwork 2.0

Tagline: Ihr Arbeitsbetriebssystem, unterstützt von KI Introduction: Atwork is a customizable Work OS with built-in apps for task management, CRM, schedule management, form building and more. It offers AI-powered automation, real-time insights, and collaboration tools, helping teams streamline workflows and boost productivity. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Atwork 2.0
Keywords: Atwork 2.0, Work OS, KI-unterstützt, Aufgabenmanagement, CRM, Terminmanagement, Formularerstellung, Automatisierung, Echtzeit-Einblicke, Zusammenarbeit, Workflow-Optimierung, Produktivitätssteigerung Votes: 🔺232 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

6. Supadex

Tagline: Dashboard for Supabase, your data, in your pocket Introduction: Supadex: The ultimate mobile dashboard for Supabase. Manage databases, track metrics, and monitor projects seamlessly, anytime, anywhere. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Supadex, Dashboard, Supabase, mobile Dashboard, Datenmanagement, Metriken verfolgen, Projekte überwachen, jederzeit, überall, Datenanalyse, Benutzerfreundlich, Echtzeitüberwachung, mobile Anwendung Votes: 🔺179 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

7. Marketing Audit & Strategy Generator

Tagline: Erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten umsetzbare Marketing-Insights. Introduction: Get data-driven insights to build a powerful brand, connect with your ideal audience, and stand out from competitors. Our all-in-one platform gives you everything from strategic positioning to actionable marketing campaigns—backed by AI and proven frameworks. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Marketing Audit & Strategy Generator
Keywords: Marketing Audit, Strategie Generator, Marketing Insights, Datengetrieben, Markenaufbau, Zielgruppe, Wettbewerbsvorteil, All-in-One Plattform, Strategische Positionierung, Marketingkampagnen, KI-gestützt, Bewährte Frameworks Votes: 🔺77 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

8. PayTres

Tagline: Web3-Zahlungen einfach erklärt! Introduction: Effortlessly create invoices, accept fiat and crypto payments, Seamless cross-border payments and multi-currency support. Cheapest onramp and offramp rates. Perfect for freelancers and businesses. Get paid faster, smarter, and more securely with PayTres! 🌟 Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: PayTres, Web3 Zahlungen, Rechnungen erstellen, Fiat Zahlungen, Krypto Zahlungen, grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen, Mehrwährungsunterstützung, günstigste Onramp, günstigste Offramp, Freelancer Votes: 🔺64 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

9. TechIns8

Tagline: Das erste KI-gesteuerte Jobportal für Entwickler. Introduction: TechIns8 is your personal assistant that aggregates and verifies offers from several major sources, allowing you to focus on the opportunities that really match your criteria. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: TechIns8, KI-gestützte Jobbörse, Entwickler, persönliche Assistenz, Stellenangebote, Aggregation, Verifizierung, Jobangebote, passende Möglichkeiten, Karriere, Technologie, Arbeitsvermittlung, Jobsuche Votes: 🔺63 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

10. Language Tools Directory

Tagline: Entdecken Sie die besten Werkzeuge zum Sprachenlernen für jede Sprache. Introduction: Discover the best tools to learn any language. Manually curated, reviewed carefully, 100+ languages available. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Language Tools Directory
Keywords: Sprachlernwerkzeuge, Sprachtools, Sprachlernressourcen, mehrsprachig lernen, Sprachen lernen, Sprachlernen, Sprachkurse, Sprachtraining, Sprachunterricht, Sprachverzeichnisse, Sprachentwicklung, Sprachlernhilfen, Votes: 🔺41 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

11. Hook Analyzer

Tagline: Vergrößern Sie Ihr Publikum in sozialen Medien mit fesselnden Aufhängern Introduction: Analyze and improve your social media hooks so they grab attention. Simply paste your hook and click "analyze." You'll get a score and specific tips to improve your hook. Works for: - X - Bluesky - Threads - LinkedIn - Substack Notes Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Hook Analyzer
Keywords: Hook Analyzer, Social Media, Audience Wachstum, Aufmerksamkeitsstarke Hooks, Analyse, Verbesserung, Social Media Hooks, Bewertung, Tipps zur Verbesserung, Plattformen, X, Bluesky, Threads, LinkedIn, Substack Notes Votes: 🔺39 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

12. VisionParser

Tagline: Anpassbare OCR-API für Quittungen, die sich Ihrem Unternehmen anpasst. Introduction: VisionParser is a flexible OCR API that transforms receipts and invoices into structured data in seconds. Powered by Generative AI, it offers exceptional accuracy while remaining surprisingly affordable. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: VisionParser, OCR API, Rechnungs- und Belegverarbeitung, strukturierten Daten, Generative KI, hohe Genauigkeit, flexible Lösung, kostengünstig, Dokumentenautomatisierung, Geschäftsanpassung Votes: 🔺37 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

13. The Holdout

Tagline: Ein Buch, das aussieht wie ein Social-Media-Feed. Introduction: The Holdout is an experimental reading app for social media scrollers. It's an ebook... but it looks and feels like a social media feed. Why? Because it's easy to scroll social media for hours. I thought, why can't actual books use that same addictive format? Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
The Holdout
Keywords: The Holdout, experimentelle Lese-App, soziale Medien, eBook, Scrollen, Suchtformat, Bücher, digitale Lektüre, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Interaktivität, modernes Lesen, visuelles Design, Lesefluss, Unterhaltung Votes: 🔺28 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

14. QCMagic

Tagline: Mach deine Lektionen zu einem Lernwerkzeug. 📚 Introduction: Studying for exams or preparing course materials? QCMagic helps students and educators save hours by automatically generating high-quality multiple-choice questions or summarized course sheets from PDFs. 📚 Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: QCMagic, Lernwerkzeug, Multiple-Choice-Fragen, Kursmaterialien, PDF-Zusammenfassungen, Prüfungsstudium, Bildungsressourcen, Zeitersparnis, automatisierte Frageerstellung, Studierende, Lehrkräfte Votes: 🔺28 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

15. Alpha Profitable

Tagline: Entdecken Sie die wöchentlichen Top 10 Aktienempfehlungen für maximale Rendite. Introduction: Discover the top 10 weekly stock picks with AlphaProfitable. Our advanced data-driven analysis helps you build and rebalance your portfolio for optimal growth. Start making smarter investment decisions today! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Alpha Profitable
Keywords: Alpha Profitable, wöchentliche Top 10 Aktienempfehlungen, optimale Rendite, Datenanalyse, Portfolioaufbau, Portfolioanpassung, Investitionsentscheidungen, smarter investieren, Aktienmarkt, Finanzanalyse Votes: 🔺20 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

16. Kertask

Tagline: Eine einfachere Möglichkeit, Ihre Aufgaben mit #Kertask zu verwalten. Introduction: Simpler Way Managing Your Tasks with Kertask Empowering individuals and teams to streamline their work processes, fostering greater efficiency, simplicity, and organization Helping everyone to organize their work to be much more efficient, easy, and structured Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Kertask, Aufgabenmanagement, Effizienz, Einfachheit, Organisation, Teamarbeit, Arbeitsprozess optimieren, Struktur, Produktivität, Aufgaben organisieren, Zeitmanagement, Benutzerfreundlich, Projektmanagement, Workflow verbessern Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

17. Folks

Tagline: Ein Ort für Produktverantwortliche. Introduction: Folks is a place for product people (designers, engineers, founders, painters, carpenters, architects, lighting designers and anyone else who creates something) to share their creations and thoughts with each other and feel comfortable doing so. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Folks, Produkt, Designer, Ingenieure, Gründer, Maler, Tischler, Architekten, Lichtdesigner, Kreativität, Austausch, Gemeinschaft, Ideen teilen, Schaffen, Wohlfühlen, Kreative. Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

18. Stealth Video

Tagline: Verstärke deine Plattform mit KI-Videoerstellung. Introduction: Seamlessly integrate or rebrand our powerful AI Video technology. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Stealth Video
Keywords: Stealth Video, KI-Videoerstellung, Plattform-Integration, Video-Technologie, Rebranding, leistungsstark, nahtlose Integration, KI, Videoproduktion, innovative Technologie Votes: 🔺15 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

19. Compliment

Tagline: KI-gestützte Foto-Komplimente Introduction: Get instant AI-powered photo compliments - 100% free, no sign-up or credit card required! Upload your photo and receive unique, personalized compliments using advanced artificial intelligence. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: AI-gesteuerte Foto-Komplimente, kostenlose Komplimente, sofortige Rückmeldungen, persönliche Komplimente, hochentwickelte künstliche Intelligenz, Foto hochladen, keine Anmeldung erforderlich, keine Kreditkarte erforderlich, einzigartige Kompl Votes: 🔺14 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

20. Wheat

Tagline: Cook with friends, using ingredients from home. Introduction: Wheat is a web app that connects friends to cook together sustainably. Combine your leftover ingredients with friends' to cook a greater variety of meals. Cook together, reduce waste, and enjoy more delicious possibilities. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Weizen, Kochen mit Freunden, nachhaltiges Kochen, Zutaten teilen, Reste verwerten, gemeinsam kochen, Abfall reduzieren, leckere Möglichkeiten, Web-App, Kochgemeinschaft, Rezeptideen, Essenskollaboration, Freundschaft, Votes: 🔺12 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

21. RepeatLab

Tagline: Meistere dein Musizieren mit Loops und Geschwindigkeitsänderungen! Introduction: Loop, Learn, Master: Your ultimate music practice companion. Custom multi-loop audio tool that lets you control speed and precision. Perfect for musicians of all levels! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: RepeatLab, Musikpraxis, Loops, Geschwindigkeitsänderung, Audio-Tool, Musiker, Üben, Lernen, Meisterschaft, Multi-Loop, Kontrolle, Präzision, Musikbegleiter, alle Niveaus Votes: 🔺10 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

22. AlgonivGPT And Image Generator

Tagline: AI Text And Image Generative Model Introduction: AlgonivGPT is a powerful AI tool that combines an intelligent chatbot and an advanced image generator. Perfect for creators, designers, and developers, it helps brainstorm ideas, generate visuals, and solve problems. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AlgonivGPT And Image Generator
Keywords: AlgonivGPT, KI-Textgenerator, Bildgenerator, KI-Tool, intelligenter Chatbot, visuelle Erstellung, Ideenfindung, Problemlösung, Kreativität, Designer, Entwickler, innovative Technologie, generative Modelle Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

23. ClassFetch

Tagline: A browser extension to bulk download files from G-Classroom! Introduction: Tired of trying to open files from Google Classroom in new tabs to download? ClassFetch is a browser extension that allows you to select and download files from your Google Classroom stream with ease! Just select and download. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: ClassFetch, Browser-Erweiterung, Dateien herunterladen, Google Classroom, Massen-Downloads, Dateiauswahl, einfaches Herunterladen, Bildungs-Tools, Produktivität, digitales Lernen Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

24. deft

Tagline: The simplest vocabulary builder with flashcards Introduction: Deft is a dictionary and vocabulary builder app with built-in flashcards. It's free and available on iOS and Android devices. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: deft, Vokabeltrainer, Flashcards, Wörterbuch, Vokabeln lernen, App, kostenlos, iOS, Android, Sprachlernen, Lernapp, einfaches Lernen, Bildung, Vokabelaufbau Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

25. DeepClaude

Tagline: DeepSeek R1 + Claude = Powerful AI Synergy Introduction: Made by Asterisk, DeepClaude combines DeepSeek R1's reasoning with Anthropic Claude's creative and coding abilities. This open-source, self-hostable API offers a unified interface, private key management, and zero-latency streaming. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: DeepClaude, Asterisk, DeepSeek R1, Claude, KI-Synergie, Open-Source, selbst hostbar, API, einheitliche Schnittstelle, privates Schlüsselmanagement, Null-Latenz-Streaming, kreatives Denken, Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

26. CaptionMyImage

Tagline: Instantly craft captivating captions for social media Introduction: Elevate your social media presence with CaptionMyImage - the ultimate caption generator for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Create engaging, witty, and relevant captions instantly with our AI-driven tool. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: CaptionMyImage, Bildunterschriften, soziale Medien, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, KI-gestützt, Caption-Generator, fesselnde Bildunterschriften, sofort erstellen, ansprechend, witzig, relevant, Social-Media Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

27. Validate My Idea

Tagline: Validate Your Startup Idea with Actionable Feedback Introduction: Validate My Idea helps refine your startup idea with AI-powered feedback. Submit your idea, get concise insights on strengths and weaknesses, and iterate with actionable steps. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Validate My Idea
Keywords: Startup-Idee validieren, KI-gestützte Rückmeldungen, Feedback für Startups, Ideenbewertung, Stärken und Schwächen analysieren, umsetzbare Schritte, Ideenverfeinerung, Aktionable Insights, Innovationshilfe, Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

28. Tailwind Color Palette by Tailcolors

Tagline: Instantly copy the perfect TailwindCSS Color Introduction: Instantly copy any Tailwind color with our beautiful color palette & color picker. Click-to-copy any TailwindCSS color including HEX, OKLCH, or Tailwind color class. Plus, preview each color with gradients, UI examples, matching colors and more! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Tailwind Color Palette by Tailcolors
Keywords: Tailwind Farbpalette, TailwindCSS, Farben kopieren, Farbpicker, HEX-Farben, OKLCH, UI-Beispiele, Farbverläufe, Farbklassen, Farbvoransicht, passende Farben, sofortige Farba Votes: 🔺8 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

29. Image Elf - Dummy Image Generator

Tagline: Easily create very large dummy images without AI! Introduction: An online tool for generating huge dummy images in just a couple of clicks. Set the dimensions (can be very large!), select the image format, and the application will produce the image for you. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Image Elf - Dummy Image Generator
Keywords: Dummy-Bildgenerator, Bildgenerator, große Dummy-Bilder, online Tool, Bilddimensionen, Bildformat wählen, einfache Erstellung, ohne KI, Bildproduktion, große Bilder erstellen Votes: 🔺8 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z

30. LoveGIF

Tagline: Free gif processing suite Introduction: Free online GIF tools collection for cropping, converting, optimizing, splitting, rotating, reversing, and creating GIF animations. No download required, easy to use. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: LoveGIF, kostenlose GIF-Bearbeitungssuite, Online-GIF-Tools, GIF zuschneiden, GIF konvertieren, GIF optimieren, GIF aufteilen, GIF drehen, GIF umkehren, GIF-Animationen erstellen, keine Votes: 🔺8 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-02-02T08:01:00Z