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Topview 2.0 Product Avatar

Ihre Produkte perfekt präsentieren und zur Geltung bringen.

Topview 2.0 Product Avatar

Showcase your products with AI avatars. Upload product image, and let digital avatars hold and present it perfectly—ideal for eCommerce and marketing!

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Product Hunt Daily Top | 2025-01-10

1. Topview 2.0 Product Avatar

Tagline: Ihre Produkte perfekt präsentieren und zur Geltung bringen. Introduction: Showcase your products with AI avatars. Upload product image, and let digital avatars hold and present it perfectly—ideal for eCommerce and marketing! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Topview 2.0 Product Avatar
Keywords: Topview 2.0, Produkt-Avatar, Produkte präsentieren, digitale Avatare, eCommerce, Marketing, Produktbild hochladen, perfekte Präsentation, Produktvorstellung, KI-Avatare, Verkaufsförderung, virtuelle Produktpr Votes: 🔺617 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

2. AI SDR-Kit

Tagline: Baue deinen eigenen KI-Vertriebspartner! Introduction: AI SDR-Kit lets developers build AI sales agents with customizable workflows, API integrations, and intelligent automation for outreach, engagement, lead qualification, pipeline management & more. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: AI SDR-Kit, AI-Vertrieb, Verkaufsagent, anpassbare Workflows, API-Integrationen, intelligente Automatisierung, Outreach, Engagement, Lead-Qualifizierung, Pipeline-Management, Entwickler-Tool, Verkaufsautomatisierung, Votes: 🔺588 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

3. Humiris - Mixture of AI

Tagline: Maßgeschneiderte Denkmodelle für präzise KI-Agenten Introduction: Humiris automatically optimizes the accuracy & cost of your GenAI models. Up to 80% cost saving compared to o1 for equivalent quality. Seamlessly integrate GPT4o, Sonnet 3.5...with your custom models to achieve +70% accuracy than general Reasoning models. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Humiris - Mixture of AI
Keywords: Humiris, KI-Mischung, maßgeschneidertes Denkmodell, genaue KI-Agenten, GenAI-Modelle, Kostenoptimierung, Kosteneinsparung, GPT4o, Sonnet 3.5, individuelle Modelle Votes: 🔺366 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

4. Notion Faces

Tagline: Bringen Sie Ihr individuelles Selbstporträt offiziell in Notion ein. Introduction: New year, new you. Create a custom self-portrait in Notion, the workspace shaped by you. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Notion Faces
Keywords: Notion Faces, benutzerdefiniertes Selbstporträt, Notion, persönliches Design, individuelles Workspace, neue Jahre, kreative Identität, digitale Kunst, Personalisierung, Selbstdarstellung Votes: 🔺359 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

5. Free Media Hosting by ImageKit

Tagline: Lade Bilder und Videos sicher hoch und teile deine Links sofort! Introduction: Free personal media library, accessible in your browser—no registration required. Built for designers, developers, and marketers. Effortlessly store media assets, share files via public links, or use CDN links for fast, reliable delivery. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Free Media Hosting by ImageKit
Keywords: kostenloses Medienhosting, ImageKit, sichere Bild- und Video-Uploads, sofortige Freigabelinks, persönliche Mediathek, browserzugänglich, keine Registrierung erforderlich, für Designer, Entwickler, Vermarkter, Medienassets speichern, Votes: 🔺272 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

6. Aneta

Tagline: KI-Agenten zur Steigerung der Personalabteilung und Mitarbeiterbindung Introduction: Aneta combines cutting-edge AI with an intuitive design to bring you the ultimate employee engagement platform. Let AI-driven insights and tools empower your team to achieve more and feel better at work. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Aneta, KI-Agenten, HR-Engagement, Mitarbeiterengagement, KI-gestützte Einblicke, intuitive Gestaltung, Arbeitsplatzverbesserung, Teamförderung, Leistungssteigerung, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit Votes: 🔺218 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

7. Genlogin

Tagline: Wandle wiederkehrende Aufgaben in automatisierte Arbeitsabläufe um. Introduction: Genlogin makes automation easy for everyone. With our no-code platform, you can automate repetitive tasks easily. Our Antidetect technology keeps your accounts safe by mimicking unique devices. Genlogin Store offers ready-made scripts for 1000+ use cases Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Genlogin, Automatisierung, Wiederholende Aufgaben, No-Code Plattform, Antidetect Technologie, Kontosicherheit, Eindeutige Geräte, Genlogin Store, Fertige Skripte, 1000+ Anwendungsfälle Votes: 🔺199 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z


Tagline: Tägliche Pixelkunst-Herausforderung Introduction: Create 1-bit pixel art based on a daily prompt. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords:, tägliche Pixelkunst Herausforderung, 1-Bit Pixelkunst, tägliche Aufforderung, Pixelart erstellen, Kunst herausforderung, kreative Projekte, digitale Kunst, Pixelkunst Community, tägliche Kunst Herausforderung Votes: 🔺195 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

9. Grok for iOS

Tagline: Die offizielle App von xAl Introduction: Grok is an Al-powered assistant, developed by xAl, designed to be maximally truthful, useful, and curious. Get answers to any question, generate striking images, and upload pictures to gain a deeper understanding of your world. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Grok for iOS
Keywords: Grok für iOS, xAl, offizielle App, KI-unterstützter Assistent, maximal wahrhaftig, nützlich, neugierig, Antworten auf Fragen, Bilder generieren, Bilder hochladen, tiefere Einsichten Votes: 🔺181 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

10. Watch Duty

Tagline: Erhalten Sie Echtzeit-Warnungen zu Waldbränden und den Löscharbeiten. Introduction: Watch Duty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Watch Duty
Keywords: Wildfire-Warnungen, Echtzeit-Benachrichtigungen, Feuerwehr, Watch Duty, Nonprofit-Organisation, Brandschutz, Umweltwarnungen, Katastrophenschutz, Hilfe bei Waldbränden, Rettungsdienste Votes: 🔺175 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

11. TinyStorage

Tagline: Eine moderne Benutzeroberfläche für S3 Introduction: A Modern GUI For S3 Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: TinyStorage, moderne GUI, S3, Speicherlösung, Benutzeroberfläche, Cloud-Speicher, Datenverwaltung, einfach zu bedienen, moderne Technologie, Datenzugriff Votes: 🔺171 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

12. Leetle

Tagline: LeetCode meets Wordle Introduction: Leetle - A daily Python coding challenge inspired by Wordle and LeetCode. 6 test cases. 6 attempts. + it’s timed. Optimized for Mobile Coding. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Leetle, Python-Coding-Challenge, tägliche Herausforderung, inspiriert von Wordle, inspiriert von LeetCode, 6 Testfälle, 6 Versuche, zeitgesteuert, optimiert für mobiles Coden Votes: 🔺163 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

13. OSHIStamp

Tagline: Ein Werkzeug zur Erstellung von Zeitstempeln für YouTube-Videos. Introduction: A free tool to help you create timestamps for YouTube videos. With an intuitive interface, you can easily create and edit timestamps. For advanced users, shortcut keys enable faster and more efficient workflow. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: OSHIStamp, YouTube, Video, Zeitstempel, Erstellung, Unterstützungstool, kostenlos, intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, einfach, bearbeiten, fortgeschrittene Benutzer, Tastenkombinationen, schneller, effizienter Workflow Votes: 🔺126 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

14. Aidy

Tagline: Anhaltende, gründliche Forschung zu wichtigen Unternehmensfragen. Introduction: Aidy works around the clock to track and research the issues that drive your organization's decisions. Just define the topics you want to keep track of, and Aidy will alert you every time there's a substantive development so you can always stay ahead. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Aidy, Forschung, Unternehmensfragen, Entscheidungsfindung, Themenverfolgung, Benachrichtigungen, Entwicklungen, Organisation, Marktbeobachtung, Analyse Votes: 🔺124 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

15. CastleFile

Tagline: Spaßige, sichere und clientseitige Dateiverschlüsselung mit Schach Introduction: CastleFile is an innovative file encryption tool that uses chess moves as unique keys for secure, client-side file encryption. It uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm and AES encryption to ensure top-notch data protection, combining chess with cryptography. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: CastleFile, Dateiverschlüsselung, sichere Verschlüsselung, Client-Seite, Schachzüge, SHA-256, AES-Verschlüsselung, Datensicherheit, innovative Technologie, Krypto, Schach und Kryptographie, einzigartige Schlüssel Votes: 🔺124 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

16. Wallstreet Wrapped

Tagline: Spotify Wrapped für deine Aktienkäufe Introduction: Relive your best and worst trades. Celebrate your best HODLs and cry at your worst paperhands Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Wallstreet Wrapped
Keywords: Wallstreet Wrapped, Aktienhandel, Spotify Wrapped, beste und schlechteste Trades, HODL feiern, schlechteste Paperhands, Handelsstatistik, Investitionserinnerungen, Finanzanalyse, Aktienmarkt, Trading-Erlebnisse, persönliche Finanzberichte Votes: 🔺116 Featured: Ja Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

17. AI Workout Planner

Tagline: Strength training programs built just for you Introduction: Setgraph’s AI Workout Planner creates personalized strength training plans tailored to your goals, schedule, and equipment. Once created, log workouts and track progress seamlessly with Setgraph to stay on track and achieve results. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
AI Workout Planner
Keywords: KI Trainingsplaner, personalisierte Trainingsprogramme, Krafttraining, individuelle Fitnesspläne, Workout-Tracking, Fortschrittsverfolgung, Trainingsziele, Zeitplan, Ausrüstung, Setgraph, Fitnessergebnisse, Trainingsorganisation, maß Votes: 🔺51 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

18. WiseMat

Tagline: AI Smart yoga mat for enhanced performance and wellness Introduction: WiseMat integrates AI-driven technology with yoga, offering a smart mat that provides real-time posture correction, alignment feedback, and performance tracking via a connected app. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: WiseMat, AI Yoga-Matte, intelligente Yoga-Matte, Körperhaltungskorrektur, Ausrichtungsfeedback, Leistungsüberwachung, verbesserte Leistung, Wellness, vernetzte App, Yoga-Technologie, Echtzeit-Feedback, smart Votes: 🔺35 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

19. City Quiz Fun

Tagline: Denkst du, du kennst die Städte? Beweise es! Introduction: Challenge your city knowledge with City Quiz Fun! Match city images to their names in just 10 seconds. Earn +2 sec for correct answers, lose 2 sec for wrong ones! Go for massive scores or finish in a flash. Fast, fun, and perfect for travel lovers! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
City Quiz Fun
Keywords: Städtequiz, Stadtwissen, Quizspiel, Stadterkennung, Bildzuordnung, Zeitspiel, Reisebegeisterte, Punkte sammeln, Schnellspiel, Herausforderung, Spaß, Städte, Wissensspiel, Stadtbilder, Zeitlimit, Votes: 🔺32 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

20. Next.js Hosting Cost Optimization

Tagline: Expert Masterclass Introduction: Join our expert-led sessions to discover smart strategies for saving money, choosing the right platform, and building scalable solutions for Next.js apps. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Next.js Hosting Cost Optimization
Keywords: 无关键词 Votes: 🔺23 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

21. Next.js Hosting Cost Optimization

Tagline: Experten-Meisterklasse Introduction: Join our expert-led sessions to discover smart strategies for saving money, choosing the right platform, and building scalable solutions for Next.js apps. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Next.js Hosting Cost Optimization
Keywords: Next.js Hosting, Kostenoptimierung, Experten-Meisterkurs, Geld sparen, Plattformwahl, skalierbare Lösungen, Next.js Apps, strategische Einsparungen, Webhosting, Performance-Optimierung Votes: 🔺23 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

22. Sales Tracker

Tagline: Track Sale, inventory and manage your business in one system Introduction: This Sales Tracker template for Notion is here to simplify everything. Designed for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers, it helps you manage sales, inventory, Revenue and expenses—all in one place. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Sales Tracker
Keywords: Sales Tracker, Verkaufsverfolgung, Bestandsverwaltung, Geschäft verwalten, Kleinunternehmer, Unternehmer, Freiberufler, Verkaufsmanagement, Einnahmen, Ausgaben, Notion-Vorlage, Geschäftsoptimierung, Effizienz steigern Votes: 🔺21 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

23. Meta Wrapped

Tagline: Spotify Wrapped but for Instagram & Whatsapp Introduction: Meta Wrapped reveals fun insights from your WhatsApp and Instagram chats. Discover your top messaging habits, most loyal friends, or secret admirers—see your chat style like never before! Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Meta Wrapped
Keywords: Meta Wrapped, Instagram, WhatsApp, Chat-Insights, Messaging-Gewohnheiten, treue Freunde, geheime Bewunderer, Chat-Stil, Benutzererfahrung, soziale Medien, Datenanalyse, Unterhaltung, persönliche Einblicke, Kommunikationsge Votes: 🔺18 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

24. Coin Interest Rate V4

Tagline: Earn interest on crypto Introduction: Coin Interest Rate ranks and indexes crypto interest rates. Now in V4, a redesigned, faster and improved site makes it easier than ever to compare rates across 50+ platforms and helping users Earn more crypto. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Coin Interest Rate V4
Keywords: Coin Interest Rate V4, Kryptowährungszins, Zinsen auf Krypto, Zinsvergleich, Kryptozinsen, Plattformen vergleichen, Kryptowährungsinvestitionen, Zinsraten, verbesserte Website, schneller Vergleich, mehr Krypto verdienen Votes: 🔺13 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z


Tagline: Verbindungen pflegen, Gemeinschaften wachsen lassen Introduction: Seedlu helps you launch vibrant forums and online communities by generating unique, personalized posts and replies that spark conversations and build connections. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: SEEDLU, Foren, Online-Communities, persönliche Beiträge, Gespräche anregen, Verbindungen aufbauen, gemeinschaftliches Wachstum, interaktive Plattform, Nutzerengagement, soziale Interaktion Votes: 🔺12 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

26. FociList

Tagline: Daily planner that turns chaos into now, next, later Introduction: FociList is a minimalist daily planner that organizes tasks into Immediate, Next Hours, and Can Be Done Later—no clutter, just focus. Manage priorities, track progress, and stay effortlessly on top of your day. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: FociList, Tagesplaner, Minimalistisch, Aufgaben organisieren, Sofort, Nächste Stunden, Später erledigen, Prioritäten verwalten, Fortschritt verfolgen, Chaos bewältigen, Fokus, Zeitmanagement, Produktivität, Votes: 🔺12 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

27. Jovaya

Tagline: Die soziale Medienplattform, auf der echte Verbindungen zählen. Introduction: Where The New Wave Connects 🌏 The social media platform where authentic connections, genuine engagement, and engaging, no-noise content take focus Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Keywords: Jovaya, soziale Medien, authentische Verbindungen, echte Interaktion, engagierender Inhalt, keine Ablenkung, neue Welle, soziale Plattform, Gemeinschaft, Vernetzung Votes: 🔺11 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

28. Landing Page Optimization Kit

Tagline: Save time, learn faster and optimize smarter Introduction: Save time and money on landing page audits. Use the interactive checklist to create your custom optimization roadmap – complete with best practices and examples to sharpen your landing page strategy. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Landing Page Optimization Kit
Keywords: Landing Page Optimierung, Zeit sparen, schneller lernen, smarter optimieren, Landing Page Audits, interaktive Checkliste, individuelle Optimierungs-Roadmap, Best Practices, Beispiele, Landing Page Strategie, Kosten sparen Votes: 🔺10 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

29. Athlaya - Empowering Your Every Move

Tagline: The social media platform for those who love to stay active Introduction: Empowering Your Every Move 👟 The social media and community platform for those who love to stay active and care for their wellbeing—just like you Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Athlaya - Empowering Your Every Move
Keywords: Athlaya, soziale Medien, aktive Lebensweise, Gemeinschaft, Wohlbefinden, Fitness, Bewegung, Gesundheit, Lifestyle, Sport, aktive Community, Empowerment Votes: 🔺10 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z

30. Shapex UI

Tagline: Boost your workflow with tailored UI blocks Introduction: Boost your web application's performance with reusable blocks built on shadcn/ui, Framer Motion, designed for efficiency and scalability. You can copy and paste. Open Source. Product Website: Visit Now Product Hunt: View on Product Hunt
Shapex UI
Keywords: Shapex UI, Benutzeroberfläche, Workflow-Optimierung, wiederverwendbare Blöcke, shadcn/ui, Framer Motion, Effizienz, Skalierbarkeit, Open Source, Webanwendung, Leistungssteigerung, Kop Votes: 🔺9 Featured: Nein Publish Time: 2025-01-10T08:01:00Z